Where Are The Pure Sativa Strains At?!

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Well-Known Member
lol ace and cannbiogen are spanish breeders with close ties to spanish speaking countrys !!! south america

they have alot of genetics you just cant get anywere else ! there held in very high regard by other breeders and basicly people in the know !!

there are hands down the best sativa seed banks !!

just check there seed lines out and you will see there not the norm !!!

they dont do rehashed dutch genetics with wacky names !! or follow trends ...................... there the real deal

Dr High

Well-Known Member
I've looked into sativa strains and i think i will be ordering some brainstorm haze, anyone of you guys grew it before or smoked it?

Some input would be cool as to how it smokes and what kinda high is posesses, thanks a bunch!



Well-Known Member
I've been thinking about pure sativas and how they grow. Obviously we want to create as close to equatorial sunlight as possible to grow them to their full potential. Is that not basically 12 hours of light almost all year round? Also very close, intense, bright white sunlight with lots of UV? I've also heard pure speculation that the intense amount of UV is what causes the "trippy" sensation, and that some indoor growers add UV to add potency.

I'm just thinking it might be hard to replicate this growing indoors under an HPS. The HPS emits that red color. Would a CMH be a better choice because of its full spectrum of light output, including UV? Would growing outdoors near the equator be the only "true" way to grow a pure sativa? I've been growing with a 400W CMH for the past couple harvests and I have noticed that my plants grow differently than the HPS I was using before. They seem to pack on way more trichs, but I don't typically grow the same strain repeatedly, so it could just be genetics.


Well-Known Member
I've been thinking about pure sativas and how they grow. Obviously we want to create as close to equatorial sunlight as possible to grow them to their full potential. Is that not basically 12 hours of light almost all year round? Also very close, intense, bright white sunlight with lots of UV? I've also heard pure speculation that the intense amount of UV is what causes the "trippy" sensation, and that some indoor growers add UV to add potency.

I'm just thinking it might be hard to replicate this growing indoors under an HPS. The HPS emits that red color. Would a CMH be a better choice because of its full spectrum of light output, including UV? Would growing outdoors near the equator be the only "true" way to grow a pure sativa? I've been growing with a 400W CMH for the past couple harvests and I have noticed that my plants grow differently than the HPS I was using before. They seem to pack on way more trichs, but I don't typically grow the same strain repeatedly, so it could just be genetics.
I don't like the whole indoor grower mentality add this you get this.

I believe the strain has it's potential, and we bring it to it. adding extra UV will only bring out a reaction that is caused with extra UV.

it wont turn a speedy sativa into a trippy one... that is what it is based on the genetics and genetics alone.

you can grow true pure sativas in nonequatoral areas outdoors, its just harder. climatization is the answer to this, but few people have the patience or means to get it done. I am definitely trying myself.


Well-Known Member
I don't like the whole indoor grower mentality add this you get this.

I believe the strain has it's potential, and we bring it to it. adding extra UV will only bring out a reaction that is caused with extra UV.

it wont turn a speedy sativa into a trippy one... that is what it is based on the genetics and genetics alone.

you can grow true pure sativas in nonequatoral areas outdoors, its just harder. climatization is the answer to this, but few people have the patience or means to get it done. I am definitely trying myself.
Yes and no, you cannot replicate many island strains without the native habitat.


Well-Known Member
ceramic metal halide emits some uv and has a good spectrum, so use that over hps. If you have a glass shield over the bulb, that may block the uv. No way to get the sun effect of Colombian mountains in my tent, but I try to do the best I can.

That means no hps for me. Spectrum is incomplete with no uv. If the sativa you are growing finishes flowering in 10 weeks or less, I will bet it is not gonna be trippy(it has been crossed with indica). If a sativa has been acclimated to less intense sun it is no longer the same sativa it was. Less effects from it in general.


Well-Known Member
Yes and no, you cannot replicate many island strains without the native habitat.
unless you're a pro ass sativa grower I'm probably gonna ignore any 'you cannot' statements.. .come on we're a thread of CAN not CANNOT.


Well-Known Member
unless you're a pro ass sativa grower I'm probably gonna ignore any 'you cannot' statements.. .come on we're a thread of CAN not CANNOT.
Allow me to re-phrase then if I may. If you take certain island strains out of their native habitats, you will wind up with commercial grade levels of THC.


Well-Known Member
Allow me to re-phrase then if I may. If you take certain island strains out of their native habitats, you will wind up with commercial grade levels of THC.
don't think you can generalize it like that when we are actually searching for the sativa high. you only need SO much THC, the rest is in the terpenoids and flavanoids.

and you can't discount climatization (a sort of evolution... as evolution is adaptation.)


Well-Known Member
there might be some factors at play in those islands that makes for the good weed.

the soil makeup, the quality of the light.

which could probably be replicated.

but it also comes to mind, the mental factor "its jamaican weed dude!" "its from hawai!"

id be curious to see how these strains would perform in a blind taste test.


Well-Known Member
don't think you can generalize it like that when we are actually searching for the sativa high. you only need SO much THC, the rest is in the terpenoids and flavanoids.

and you can't discount climatization (a sort of evolution... as evolution is adaptation.)
By DJ Short:


Hawaiian a true classic. There is something special about a good island herb, and Hawaiian is among the best. When properly grown outdoors it has a wonderful and unique bouquet of fruity spice, similar to the sweetness of the fine Thai, but with a kind of tangy taste.

Good Hawaiian herb has always been a devastatingly powerful experience for me. It is very psychedelic and internally focused, contemplative and overpoweringly meditative. A Walk with the King, a Dance with the Queen, and a sunset on the beach! Aah... Hawaiian!

I have tried to equal the Hawaiian experience outdoor on the mainland, and indoors, with no success. Everything I have grown from Hawaiian stock turned out to be nowhere near the quality of the parent stock. This is true for three generations of trials. The product from Hawaiian seed was equal to the best plants grown from mid-quality Colombian stock!

This led me to a hypothesis about Hawaii: that just about any stock grown in Hawaii will turn out to be of unique and relatively high quality. Hawaii just happens to be one of those special places, I suppose.

All breeding attempts with Hawaiian stock were dumped from my garden by 1983. It was a pretty and robust plant though, and also quite productive. Just not all that impressive when grown outside its homeland.

Jamaican Lion's Herb

It has been on rare occasion that I have sampled truly enjoyable Jamaican herb. These rare samples came directly from friends who knew growers there. It was similar to the Hawaiian experience, but with more of a take-your-breath-away feeling of excitement.

The problem I have encountered with the commercial Jamaican is that it is too damned strong and speedy! Jamaican is renowned for its lively herb, for which I can vouch. It is a heartlifting herb and I have a sensitive heart. So I am careful with the samples of the commercial Jamaican ganja that I try.

Much like Hawaiian, the Jamaican strains are perhaps best expressed in their homeland, because I have had little success in producing an adequate example. Both indoors and out, the Jamaican behaves and ends up much the same as mid-level Colombian. Perhaps all Island herb is unique in this fashion.


Well-Known Member
there might be some factors at play in those islands that makes for the good weed.

the soil makeup, the quality of the light.

which could probably be replicated.

but it also comes to mind, the mental factor "its jamaican weed dude!" "its from hawai!"

id be curious to see how these strains would perform in a blind taste test.
How would you artificially replicate mountain valleys?, the elevation has to be the same...then throw in land and sea breezes/soil composition etc and I would think it's impossible.


Well-Known Member
i think personaly thats true with all sativa's though !!

you will never get excatly the same high usein lights as you would under intense sun ....................................... but thats not to say you cant get top notch smoke !!

i know myself after buyin sativa grown under intense north african sun ............................ its next level sorta smoke !!

same as it you went to thai land and smoked thai grown there ................ would be next level to what you could grow under a grow lamp !

anyone in europe holidaying in spain just try some sativa;s properly grown there, iy will blow ya mind :)


Well-Known Member
How would you artificially replicate mountain valleys?, the elevation has to be the same...then throw in land and sea breezes/soil composition etc and I would think it's impossible.
I live in a mountain valley... so I think I have a good shot. ;)

hazey grapes

Well-Known Member
i'm interested in ace. i think their orient express is the top strain in their gear of interest to me. i'd love to grow their IBLs, but that's just not practical indoors. that's my biggest issue with ace probably... getting the same dismal result out of their IBLs as i did my highland thai attempt.

i have no personal opinions on the three breeders mentioned a couple pages ago, but have heard a few blips that cannabiogen's destroyer is good, but not as off the charts phenominal as it sounds by it's pedigree. really, i'm not a fan of passing second hand info as it makes me look stupid if it's wrong. if i had some destroyer beans, i'd test them for sure.

until i test better gear, and i will be trying new stuff along the way, my 4 "go to" strains are:
haze x skunk (high quality seeds) awesome potent & long lasting motivational buzz with a fair amount of psychoactivity
super cali haze (short stuff) authenic & delicious haze grape pheno & high... very classy if a little fussy & lower yielding
8 miles high (mandala) perfectly energy neutral playful euphoric buzz. it just hits all the right buttons & has a body HIGH (not couchlock, but a precise muscle control)
C99 (joey weed... who's not talking to hemp depot at all anymore & might be out of business sadly) it's too specific a buzz for 24/7 as it's clear headed but euphoric racy motivation, but if you have a long day to work & want to be alert or some other activity you want to be able to stay focused on, it's very much in the kali mist ballpark, but at only 45 days flowering, it finishes much faster. if nothing else, it's a perfect strain to try and shrink or speed up IBLs the same way as has been done with affghani & kush etc., but without adding funk or stone. i think her son apollo 11 might be a funner all around strain as it's mellower & trippier and i'll try and have a report on JW's soon to be extinct C99 x A11s by next summer along with a couple other strains like laughing buddha. mosca's "potent pineapple" C99s are allegedly trippy. if so, they'd be funner than JWs, but i kinda liked his version for it's grapey haze pheno and 5 days faster finish.

i wish i had more experience with more gear to share an informed opinion. i have heard nothing but favorable reporting here and there on ace seeds. from what i recall though, everything they have that sounds remotely interesting is either too IBL or too 50:50 for my tastes. i'll take another look at their gear and maybe test a single of orient express if they're sold that way. that might be another reason i haven't considered buying their gear as i don't like buying a bunch of expensive packs and super cali haze is at the top of my shopping list for now as that's not available in single form either.

my opinion on mr nice is that everyone i've ever heard mention his name loves whatever and his medicine man (sounds too stoney to me) is in a very jaded smoker's top 5, but for me, his gear is just too expensive. haze skunk & 8 miles high are awesome strains at less than half the price of his gear. i don't like paying $100 or more for a pack of anything. i thought HE was the dutch breeder (maybe it was neville) that was selling beans for over $200. that's disgusting! sorry, no single plant is worth tens of thousands of dollars! i boycott greed. mandala, high quality & nirvana etc. are righteous in my book.

weed should be grown out of love & respect for the plant above all else. greed ruins everything it touches.

sorry i missed whatever question i didn't answer wherever you asked it. this forum doesn't auto-subscribe you to every thread you reply in like i'm used to and just a few days ago i TRIED starting to subscribe to threads and just couldn't find the button to do it.

aw crap! now i forgot the other thing i was going to say about some other comment. that could happen too, i try to reply to a question, take a tangeant, and forget what i intended to say to begin with. i'll backtrack to see if i can find whatever i was going to comment on again.

OH! it was that i had great results with all 4 of my favorites indoors under a single 400w metal halide even though i started everything flowering at the 3rd leafset as that's what i was sure cervantes recommended in his mid 80s edition of indoor marijuana horticulture which beat the living crap out of my other two grow guides combined as it covered almost EVERYTHING the other 2 did excepts for a few piddly pointers each. i 've always been inclined to grow blue as that's closer to THC stimulating ultraviolet where the orange of sodiums is closer to THC degrading infrared. i just hate getting stoned so much, i do everything i can to avoid it.

if you wanna grow true IBLs indoors though, you'll need A LOT of light! trust me, i tried and failed to grow highland thai under my 400w halide that everything else was perfectly happy under.

East Hawaii

Well-Known Member
Go for it Poplars. I took some sative dominate strain to Melbourne Aus, and it did great I was there only one season then moved back to Hawaii. They will probley get huge here with 13 1/2 hrs sun max June 20 they get 10 to 12 ft tall with no topping I have 2 now one 6ft and just atart bu and the other 5ft and still veg. Unknown strain here are a couple of shots. Aloha not the best photos10- 30-11 005.jpg10- 30-11 006.jpg

hazey grapes

Well-Known Member
I'm probably gonna ignore any 'you cannot' statements.. .come on we're a thread of CAN not CANNOT.
ahhhhh that brings back memories of when i was still idealistic. LOL

after attempting highland thai and having to transplant it TWICE up to a 3 gallon pot before i could even SEX it and seeing it's leaves start to yellow & wilt from being rootbound twice and once i FINALLY saw under it's skirt, i got a chick with a mother effing dick that was still getting rootbound and/or light starved with yellowing leaves.

i do believe it CAN be done, but you'll just have to accept a plant that will pitch a fit with anything less than a full 5 gallons of soil (i've seen many IBL growers using a full 10 gallons!) and tons of light indoors. if you really want to grow them, you'll just have to accept you'll need to devote your entire light to growing a single plant in a lot of soil & in a SCROG setup to maximize lighting and wait more than a month after you've harvested your other plants before you even know if you have a female or not.

to me, that's just way too much time & trouble to grow something that has a 50:50 (or less if you're growing a hermie prone IBL) of being male. it CAN be done, but once i saw those effing pistils on my thai after putting up with it's constant bitching for what felt like half a year, i had enough and cut it down and even then was pissed off that i got nothing but potent couchlock off it at that. that was the last straw for me ever attempting to grow an IBL indoors ever again, but i want to try and do it outdoors next year if i can find an easy to get to out of the way spot where i can stealth it by tying it down below cover.

there are some nice hybrids out there that smoke like IBLs that are easier to pull off indoors. i'll stick with them until i have my own place i can stealth them in my own back yard.


Well-Known Member
ahhhhh that brings back memories of when i was still idealistic. LOL

after attempting highland thai and having to transplant it TWICE up to a 3 gallon pot before i could even SEX it and seeing it's leaves start to yellow & wilt from being rootbound twice and once i FINALLY saw under it's skirt, i got a chick with a mother effing dick that was still getting rootbound and/or light starved with yellowing leaves.

i do believe it CAN be done, but you'll just have to accept a plant that will pitch a fit with anything less than a full 5 gallons of soil (i've seen many IBL growers using a full 10 gallons!) and tons of light indoors. if you really want to grow them, you'll just have to accept you'll need to devote your entire light to growing a single plant in a lot of soil & in a SCROG setup to maximize lighting and wait more than a month after you've harvested your other plants before you even know if you have a female or not.

to me, that's just way too much time & trouble to grow something that has a 50:50 (or less if you're growing a hermie prone IBL) of being male. it CAN be done, but once i saw those effing pistils on my thai after putting up with it's constant bitching for what felt like half a year, i had enough and cut it down and even then was pissed off that i got nothing but potent couchlock off it at that. that was the last straw for me ever attempting to grow an IBL indoors ever again, but i want to try and do it outdoors next year if i can find an easy to get to out of the way spot where i can stealth it by tying it down below cover.

there are some nice hybrids out there that smoke like IBLs that are easier to pull off indoors. i'll stick with them until i have my own place i can stealth them in my own back yard.
please look at my outdoor grow before you say anything about galls of soil and light...

I get LOTS of light... each plant gets atleast 10-15 gal of soil each, probably more.

I'm not just somebody who is being idealistic like I can't do this, I know I get powerful sun here that is so strong it makes sativas get sun stress. I just need to climatize them to be able to handle it, and I have great confidence that I will end up with an amazing sativa high in the end.

I've had rather spectacular sativa highs from weed grown in this area before, it's just not very common, and nobody tries to climatize them to this area even though it has a great chance of harnessing the power of the sativas without an absolute shitload of adaptation.
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