never watch another GOP debate


Well-Known Member
great how you showed that obama is for big government and stealing our money for his causes. Thick as thieves is the saying


killing people and having no "sunshine" mean nothing right uncle duke
rhetorical you have no thought process so you cannot formulate an answer


Cannot believe people still support this guy.


Well-Known Member
Open your minds. Don't take at face value what the media says, or has convinced our friends to think. Ron Paul is the only candidate who has our backs.


Well-Known Member
I'm not associated with any group, however I will say that yes indeed, I am a sovereign citizen of the California Republic.

And you?? Do you have the desire to live on the Federal Plantation?

ha, federal plantation.

"we're all slaves!"

someone put it best a while ago and i'll paraphrase: it is awesome to live in a plush, fancy hotel until you notice that there is a bill to pay for it.

Heads Up

Well-Known Member
The GOP is nothing more than a party of slogans, there is no substance to their rhetoric. Saint Ronald Reagan started the ball rolling for the destruction of the GOP. The president that every republican today on the national stage must utter his name in holy reference before making a point about anything. The same president who spent us into oblivion with his crazy star wars initiative while at the same time starting his attack on middle class america by breaking up the air traffic controllers union when he fired them all. Not long after the mass exodus out of american jobs by the big manufacturers started. GM started closing plants in michigan while at the same time building new plants in mexico. Coincidence?

Thirty years later we basically manufacture nothing like what made us 'the' worlds power. We outsource everything we can to countries with lower labor costs than america in the name of profits. Never mind we are all the time losing american jobs. Profit for corporate america is way more important than the standard of living of the average american to republicans all under the guise of the american dream. Where are the jobs our parents worked at for thirty and forty years that included benefits like health care, paid vacation time, maybe evens some profit sharing or a company 401k plan?

Our whole system is corrupted by big money. The only difference I see over the past forty years, the party in power gets to the trough first and the democrats at least give back half of the money they steal from us.

Freedom? What the hell is freedom in america today? Liberty? A group of pissed off americans are gathering daily at a place called liberty square in nyc and it's been spreading around the globe. Is it just me or has anyone else noticed the response from the police. The police who are hired to protect and serve. The question is, who are they protecting and serving, the people gathering in liberty park and other cities, like oakland, or are they serving their local political machine and their bosses, corporate america.

Obama again in a landslide.


Well-Known Member
Its one big party and everyone wants to get on the federal gravytrain payroll.
Some people go to school and some join a union but politicians get their paycheck by being decietful, dishonest and dimwitted. They do what they are told and go along to get along. They are all double minded men and women, unstable in all their ways and we let them lord over us.

Dont let me stop you from eating a shit sandwich with mustard while you argue with other humans eating a shit sandwich with ketchup while waiting for the lords to dispose of all of you useless shit sandwich eaters :hump: