Is a $40 hash press worth it and how long does hash keep?


Well-Known Member
Well the time has come to press some hash nuggets which currently exist in the form of hand pressed hash slabs in computer paper. I want to press those patties into something smaller and more portable and into a form that will keep longer so I was hoping to here some advice from the pros here in michigan on hash pressing. Should I purchase a commercial press or just a little heat and rolling pin? Seems like the hash slabs work just fine but I'm looking to experiment with what I like better...


Well-Known Member
The thing is, if it isn't going to improve the shelf life then there really seems to be no benefit to pressing any harder than a paper fold using your hand is there? I think I'll just get a c clamp at the hardware store and with 2 blocks of wood as the press surface, I'll pile up my has patties into as large and dense a pile as I can and then squishy squishy :) seems like it should work just fine eh? I don't need no fancy design stamped into my has from an overpriced press :)

Buddy Ganga

Active Member
I personally love the press.

I used it so much I stripped the threads and now use it together with a "C" clamp, but I still use the hell out of it.
My patients love the pellets and so do my local dispensaries. 2011-10-24 16.56.38.jpg



Well-Known Member
I personally love the press.

I used it so much I stripped the threads and now use it together with a "C" clamp, but I still use the hell out of it.
My patients love the pellets and so do my local dispensaries. View attachment 1867214

I'm sold! Did you get that press online? If so, I'd love to know where I can get one b/c those little buttons look awesome and I know now that I must have my own :)

Buddy Ganga

Active Member
I'm sold! Did you get that press online? If so, I'd love to know where I can get one b/c those little buttons look awesome and I know now that I must have my own :)
I got mine at a local smoke shop, they call them a pollen press.
It was less then $40 but more then $25 if I remember right.

2011-11-02 11.11.56.jpg


Well-Known Member
FYI if you don't mind dime sized disks you may want to look at the Makin's Clay Extruder at Jo Ann fabrics.
25 bucks.


Active Member
you can also take a glass bottle fill it with hot water and put your kief in plastic wrap fold the plastic wrap so its underneath and above the kief and roll the bottle over it and it will press it the exact same as a pollen press and its pretty much free

Buddy Ganga

Active Member
What's the attraction with smashing hash into a small cylinder? I like mine loose and powdery like kief.
I personally like the powder too, but my patients would prefer it pressed so they can do the old school needle and glass.
Dispenceris like them because they are already weighted out and usable for any method since they can be returned to it's powder form.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
Any time I press together my wet hash it's never able to return to powder form. It stays a sticky chunk of tar and is impossible to granulate.


What's the attraction with smashing hash into a small cylinder? I like mine loose and powdery like kief.
I thought I read somewhere that hash that is exposed to air looses it's potency over time. Pressing it seals it so that it lasts longer. I would have to do some searching to back that up, but that is what I remember reading.


Well-Known Member
I thought I read somewhere that hash that is exposed to air looses it's potency over time. Pressing it seals it so that it lasts longer. I would have to do some searching to back that up, but that is what I remember reading.
I guess the thc and all the goodies would degrade over time if left out in the open but I'd imagine that would require a pretty substantial amount of time. I think I like the hash patties in folded paper b/c I can still break it down (some of 'em) into powder to sprinkle in a joint or whatever. I do NOT like the charcoal style hash (2nd run).....matter of fact, I don't like smoking the shit at all b/c it's too harsh. I do like the buzz tho so I'm gonna pickup a nice vaporizer to eliminate the harshness and then I think I'll be all good :) Matter of fact, I don't think I'll smoke w/o a vape ever again once I get it. Used a buddy's volcano once and it was so fuckin cool dudes.....(for those who haven't had the pleasure of vaping) b/c you get even higher....even kind of a different high but no tar and coughing shit up allover the damn place. It's very very nice. Fuck all that tar and nonsense...

I like those little pucks just for the novelty really. I mean how freakin cool is it to just throw a patient a block of one of those babies when you rarely see shit like that around in dispensaries (or anywhere)....very cool novelty :) Plus if you're traveling, I'd probably rather have a pressed button than a bunch of folded hash patties.....I've figured it out! I'll do both! Oh yeah,...

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
Hmm. I never had hash until I started growing, and since I have plants constantly coming down my hash supply gets replenished every few weeks. I end up using the old stuff to make cookies, and just keep that cycle going on a rotating basis. I end up with more cookies than I can eat.