No hatin, give it to me straight!:)


Well-Known Member
Better Equipment is the key to growing more pot, So Yielding??? what does that do, I just want to grow big ass p[lants with alot of bud and right now they are pretty tall!
400-1000w hps (depending on how you can handle the heat i suppose)

will give you what you seek.

just do a lot of reading on journals.


You might want to wait until spring and find a nice spot for your ladies...growing can be an expensive hobby and you could be very disappointed in you yields the first few times around. It's not just about what is more expensive when it comes to equipment any startup is going to cost some cash, but it's knowing what you are doing. Marijuana is not the easiest thing to least not GOOD marijuana. I'd say just read up on stuff and keep asking questions. Stick it out and knowledge will come with experience.


Well-Known Member
You can only learn by trial and error , read all you want , you need practice , and you need to aim lower first time out , i have already pictured you with electric shock hair and beansprouts reading your dear john , go steady , build up.


Well-Known Member
it was a ..bit newbie question ;) (though not particularily out of the ordinary either ;)
Listen we have already started flowering are first batch so we know what we are doing. We just need to know how to improve for more marijuana prefly 1 pound per plant hoping for 2


I told you how to get 1 or two pounds a plant and that is the all mighty SUN...that is your only hope for yields like that unless you have what GasTanker said earlier which is like 36 1000watt HID's which is ridiculous and you would end up burning your shit down. You need to lower your expectations and HOPE for 1g a watt. Focus on quality first. That or try an outdoor harvest this coming spring.
No they are still flowering but they are pretty tall and look very frosty and this next batch that i have been asking about will be ready by april and sold out by may


Listen we have already started flowering are first batch so we know what we are doing. We just need to know how to improve for more marijuana prefly 1 pound per plant hoping for 2
Get real! People are answering your freakin' questions!.. Read...

It's like dealing with a twelve yearold...