Can you SCROG if your veg and flower rooms are separate?


Active Member
Designing a room, it will have three chambers, one small clone/seedling, one for veg, and one for flowering. Has anyone ever done a successful SCROG vegging in one room then moving over to the flower room? The idea I had, I have no idea if it would work. Is to veg the plants to a certain height without a screen, then move them to the flower room where there would be a screen. The plants would be just a bit taller than the screen. Would this work, or do you have to veg and flower in the same room?


Well-Known Member
the way u described waiting until flowering to put on screen wouldnt be ideal because you shouldnt be training plant at the beginning of flower it can cause to hermie and some branches will be finished before others. the way i am incorporating scrog in my veg and flower room is you can attach the screen so its fixed with the pot so if you move the pot the screen moves with it. you will need to have the screen in veg tho if you want to get the most out of your plants and the least problems.


Active Member
kind of confused on this whole thing, as on other grow sites on the internet, people say that this idea would work just fine. Kind of hard to know exactly what to do sometimes when there are so many differing opinions across the internet. Who do you believe.


Well-Known Member
Scrogging when you switch to flower can cause hermies?

Um, no.

To the OP....

Train your plants in veg to be short bushes with multiple tops using LST or topping. When you switch to 12/12, you train those tops into your screen during the 10-14 days of the stretch. Properly planned, which comes with experience, they will easily fill in whatever space you're using. Attaching a screen to your planters is a good idea, it'llmake it easier for watering and maintenance of the plants lower growth.


Well-Known Member
you don't want to do any training during flowering especially during the beginning because the stress may cause your plants to hermie is what i was saying.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, well, you're wrong about that. People train their plants continuously all the way to harvest with no ill effects. If it's happening to you, you have something else wrong with your grow.


Well-Known Member
Designing a room, it will have three chambers, one small clone/seedling, one for veg, and one for flowering. Has anyone ever done a successful SCROG vegging in one room then moving over to the flower room? The idea I had, I have no idea if it would work. Is to veg the plants to a certain height without a screen, then move them to the flower room where there would be a screen. The plants would be just a bit taller than the screen. Would this work, or do you have to veg and flower in the same room?
Your idea is the holy trinity in one box. Mother chamber, clone box, flower chamber. What you're talking about is the IDEAL set up for scrog! Not only will this work, but you have a perpetual harvest setup, and it will work well!

So, yes. Veg anywhere you want. When the clones are big enough, put them in the flowering room and scrog away. If you can figure out how to attach a screen above the pot, it makes it even easier. You can train and fill out the screen in veg and then transplant the whole thing to a room with 12/12. That's easier than moving a plant into an area that has a screen installed, but it can be done.

Continue to train her until she's stopped stretching. SCROG is about control and lucky for us these are not a fragile species; they are hearty and robust plants that have survived extinction-level events. We suck at living outdoors but they don't. Make sure you have fans blowing on your plants from day 1. SCROGing can get intense and weaker specimens will break. She won't hermie, she'll adjust and keep growing.

Happy growing!


New Member
I'm almost in the same situation as you just my clone veg room are the same room and my flowering is separate . I'm lst my girls in veg right now they have about a week to go before they move. It isn't fesable for me to have multip screens on multiple girls as I'm working on perpetual harvest with multipul finishing strains . On the other girls that have a month before they have to move I'm going supercropping instead of lst . More time for them to heal up .


Active Member
you don't want to do any training during flowering especially during the beginning because the stress may cause your plants to hermie is what i was saying.
I call BULLSHIT on this one.
Your idea is the holy trinity in one box. Mother chamber, clone box, flower chamber. What you're talking about is the IDEAL set up for scrog! Not only will this work, but you have a perpetual harvest setup, and it will work well! So, yes. Veg anywhere you want. When the clones are big enough, put them in the flowering room and scrog away. If you can figure out how to attach a screen above the pot, it makes it even easier. You can train and fill out the screen in veg and then transplant the whole thing to a room with 12/12. That's easier than moving a plant into an area that has a screen installed, but it can be done. Continue to train her until she's stopped stretching. SCROG is about control and lucky for us these are not a fragile species; they are hearty and robust plants that have survived extinction-level events. We suck at living outdoors but they don't. Make sure you have fans blowing on your plants from day 1. SCROGing can get intense and weaker specimens will break. She won't hermie, she'll adjust and keep growing. Happy growing!
^^ Now this is a grower you can trust for advice.