So, time is an illusion, but entropy exists. Only life defies entropy. Yet, Life must constantly discard it's bio-bots to achieve that. Not pretty, from our perspective but, perhaps DNA knows it needs to get off this planet. Humans are the bio-buds that can do that, maybe. Still within Subjectivity, DNA enforces the concept of time for it's own the Twilight Zone.
OK, here we go. "Past" only exists in so far as memory exists. "Future" only exists in so far as anticipation exists. It is NOW that is eternal. All matter, energy, space and time are flowing past NOW and producing our sense of entropy.
I'm heading back to high energy physics now. The folks that I commune with there, (forums for every interest these days) are often scientist in the business. They are having hard time (pun) dealing with the idea of ever smaller divisions of time. It that same problem I discussed about the Big Bang. Take the smallest interval imaginable and divide by the largest duration you can imagine. See what I mean. You can still divide that.
Time is meaningless inside an atom, because it is defined a set of probability waves that maps to a 2 or perhaps only 1 dimension. Copenhagen Conjecture, 1921. Einstein and Neils Boer lost that one. But, still there is popular (don't really care) science and real science where we freely admit we know nothing in the Subjective reality that can map to inside an atom.
So, Continuous Creation is the term of art that being used. Being a quantum guy I say smashing atoms creates these ash particles and in no way says what is real.
We are creating our own experience is a much deeper way than we every imagined.