just perfect... its why i have to stop n look EVERY timeIts a great av imo.![]()
Shwag pleast post something, anything, just so we can see that av without going back a page lol
I was talking about 4x4 feetthat is half of what I just harvested
it was in a 4x8 area. So yeah, dont underestimate a 4x4, lots o bud can come from that hehe.
I used technaflora for my hydro... I cant wait to get back in the dirt though.
I'm curious why you feel this way. I'm not saying one is better than thr other ot anything, just curious...
I like mixing it, seeing plants thrive in it, keeping it alive. When I picture a soil and a plant working together in harmony, its just lovely. I know there are thousands upon thousands of different species of microbes/fungi living and working together breaking down a perfect mix of raw organic matter and making it available to the plant... Not much (to me) beats the feeling of mixing a kick ass dialed in soil and seeing plants going ape shit in it and loving life. I feel the same way about brewing teas as I do mixing soil... Plus I like mixing my methods of growing to keep things interesting (All of my grows are proof of this). Im gonna start growing allot of different species of plants besides cannabis in the future as well... gotta mix it up.
ive only grown mmj in hydro, tho iv got a few going in soil at the moment. ive grown many vegie gardens and have a house full of house plants all in soil. not real comfortable going soil yet, i know that sounds backwards but thats the way it is. i think soil would be easier to do multiple strains and flowering times as well as basib plant maintenance but like dez i wouldnt want to do grows in soil where it turns into work watering n such. with that said im planning to do a full soil grow nexy yr just to see how it compares to my norm. both growth rate n taste...
Whodat....Do you follow the "Recipe For Success" provided by Technaflora? If not, what do you do? I use the same nutes and would like to know what you do vs. what I'm doing. Thanks.
whodat im thinking like you, find the sweet spot n stay there till the plant tells you otherwise. i think common sence and reading your plants are more acurate than a feed chart. feed charts give a generac balance to work with but like you said variables out the ass when it comes to spacifics. my rule of thumb is to error on the weaker side when feeding, i can always add more if needed.
again let me repeat im talking about hydro as ive zero exp. in soil, altho im sure the same applies.