Landrace.. I get it!


Well-Known Member
"A landrace is a local variety of a domesticated animal or plant species which has developed largely by natural processes, by adaptation to the natural and cultural environment in which it lives..":peace:

Now that I know what it means it becomes far more interesting and it should still be possible to discover landrace varieties of weed. I mean what the hell, we are still finding new species of plants, insects, fish and even mammals every year! Makes me wonder as I sit here in my stone how many indigenous cultures spread around the world partake of the herb. :-? I bet there is something good out there!
It would make for a hell of a road trip to search for one. I'm sure our friends in the "industry" are doing so all the time. Where would you search?? Afghanistan? Nepal?. Is it indigenous to Africa, Asia AND S. America? I doubt it but was there ever use of weed by the native americans. Are people finding Landrace Marijuana? :confused:
Just Rambling and I smell garlic and olive oil in the kitchen and I had better check it out.

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
There prolly is more landrace strains in the world...most likely in unchartered territory wher only indiginous ppeople live....prolly some in war torn parts of the world as well. Im sure Afghanistan , India, Pakistan have some strains that have never been seen outside those regions, and Africa prolly has some unknown strains...its getting to those parts of the world to research that is vitually imposiible due to war and tribal disputes.

good post tho, i think about this alot to


Active Member
Honestly barneys Dr. Grinspoon was my favorite smoke in amsterdam summer 2010. Looked like mids, had a few beans, really stringy, but the stickiest,pungent sativa smelling chronic I've tasted. 100 days flowering time but well worth it.( had to use alcohol wipes to touch anything after breaking this stuff up) I tried rolling a blunt and all the outside paper stuck to my fingers :( I've wanted to try this strain but would the landrace genetics pollinate my other ladies? Does the feminized version still produce beans? Didn't alien kush come from some landrace indicas?


Take a trip to eastern Nebraska during the summer,,, landrace hemp is everywhere and not worth spit to smoke.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
I had a Guatemalan Landrace I got from just outside Guatemala City that was unbelievable. I gotta get some more of that eventually.


Well-Known Member
Just curious jack but what makes you think the Guatemalan weed you speak of is a "landrace" variety? Couldn't it be growing all over the place and has lost the purity of it's original self? I just thought true landrace varieties were much rarer beasts and that too come across a true one was a breeders dream. I am not saying you are wrong but if you look at the Wiki description it requires isolation from other strains and is possibly a result of the growers manipulation.

I would also think that the Nebraskan weed is also not a Landrace. No one nurtures or cultivates it so I think rather than weed its just good old hemp. Maybe it does have some redeeming value in breeding but I spent a week in a weed patch somewhere in the midwest in the mid 1970's and still did not catch a buzz.

WestIsthebest.. Do you know if the Dr. was a Landrace? Do you know where the dr. hailed from??The mere fact it was named makes me think not but all in all I don't know shit from high water and I'm stoned and the Pizza man is late AGAIN!! Just making conversation.


Well-Known Member
Just curious jack but what makes you think the Guatemalan weed you speak of is a "landrace" variety? Couldn't it be growing all over the place and has lost the purity of it's original self? I just thought true landrace varieties were much rarer beasts and that too come across a true one was a breeders dream. I am not saying you are wrong but if you look at the Wiki description it requires isolation from other strains and is possibly a result of the growers manipulation.

I would also think that the Nebraskan weed is also not a Landrace. No one nurtures or cultivates it so I think rather than weed its just good old hemp. Maybe it does have some redeeming value in breeding but I spent a week in a weed patch somewhere in the midwest in the mid 1970's and still did not catch a buzz.

WestIsthebest.. Do you know if the Dr. was a Landrace? Do you know where the dr. hailed from??The mere fact it was named makes me think not but all in all I don't know shit from high water and I'm stoned and the Pizza man is late AGAIN!! Just making conversation.
**true.. i hiked almost 5days around DANGEROUS mountains/tropical jungle.. just to find my 1 and only Landrace strain in the collection (philippines / kalingan region)... (they are rare, and hard to find... so IMHO most ppl claiming Landrace is pretty (b.s)



Well-Known Member
"A landrace is a local variety of a domesticated animal or plant species which has developed largely by natural processes, by adaptation to the natural and cultural environment in which it lives..":peace:

Now that I know what it means it becomes far more interesting and it should still be possible to discover landrace varieties of weed. I mean what the hell, we are still finding new species of plants, insects, fish and even mammals every year! Makes me wonder as I sit here in my stone how many indigenous cultures spread around the world partake of the herb. :-? I bet there is something good out there!
It would make for a hell of a road trip to search for one. I'm sure our friends in the "industry" are doing so all the time. Where would you search?? Afghanistan? Nepal?. Is it indigenous to Africa, Asia AND S. America? I doubt it but was there ever use of weed by the native americans. Are people finding Landrace Marijuana? :confused:
Just Rambling and I smell garlic and olive oil in the kitchen and I had better check it out.
** love the smell of OVL and garlic... sprinkle some fresh feta on that.. bona petit~

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Just curious jack but what makes you think the Guatemalan weed you speak of is a "landrace" variety? Couldn't it be growing all over the place and has lost the purity of it's original self? I just thought true landrace varieties were much rarer beasts and that too come across a true one was a breeders dream. I am not saying you are wrong but if you look at the Wiki description it requires isolation from other strains and is possibly a result of the growers manipulation.

I would also think that the Nebraskan weed is also not a Landrace. No one nurtures or cultivates it so I think rather than weed its just good old hemp. Maybe it does have some redeeming value in breeding but I spent a week in a weed patch somewhere in the midwest in the mid 1970's and still did not catch a buzz.

WestIsthebest.. Do you know if the Dr. was a Landrace? Do you know where the dr. hailed from??The mere fact it was named makes me think not but all in all I don't know shit from high water and I'm stoned and the Pizza man is late AGAIN!! Just making conversation.
'Cuz I got the seed from a guy I met in Guatemala City ((Back in '77 or so) who lived in Pacaya (no electricity back then) right next to a Volcano of the same name. I got to know this guy pretty well, and stay in contact from time to time. He sent the seed to me in '98. His family had (has) been growing this stuff for literally hundreds of years. They are almost pure Maya. Extremely interesting folks. Lots of unexplored ruins around that area. I HOPE to get back there before I cash in. I'm pretty sure I can at least get more of the genetics when the time comes for me to start back up. The cops got the last of the seed I had when they raided me.

*EDIT* What pisses me off more than anything is that I spent MOST of my time down in that part of the world in a place called Bucaramanga, Colombia, and had more than ample chance to get some Colombian Sativa landrace, but back then, who knew?

hazey grapes

Well-Known Member
someone here scored a nice, but not spectacular vietnamese strain on a trip there. you know, with all that BS ass kissing cannabis cup shit high times does, they should do something REAL like sponsor a series where a reporter goes around the world looking for IBLs and share the stuff with breeders to preserve it. too many great IBLs have either gone extinct or are available in questionable form like:
columbian gold (man that shit was freakin' AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
panama red
acopulco gold
maui wowie
vietnamese blackseed
malawi gold

it's REALLY sad that the worst stoney crap survives because of cash crapping mentality while the truly best stuff is impossible to find. i've heard australia has a couple really awesome local strains too, but have never seen any of that on the market


Well-Known Member
That's what I'm talking about jack.. I think you should take a roadtrip Bud and head to Guatemala and head to the Volcano. Pick up some local weed and smoke your way thru it looking for seeds. Then spend a few years conscientiously crossing the best plants within the strain with the end result being " Jack's Pacaya ". Dam that sounds cool and life is so freakin short. I'll tell you what. I will fund the trip and we will call it a research project. I can't go I gotta go to work. God Damm Son's of bitches!!:finger:

Hey grapes don't know what an IBL is but I can just about taste the Acapulco Gold and the Panama Red from the 70's and dang were they good and were really Gold and Red colored! They tell me the weed was not as potent back then as it is now but it sure felt like it was. I'm sure the Acapulco Gold is long gone as it was..

No sympathy from me wizard. I'm betting you would head back to Kalingan in a heart beat. What do you do with the strain now? Have you messed with it and such or is the same as when you found it? I think your right about ppl claiming Landrace being bs but I don't think it's intentional. It's just such a SMALL world with so little isolation and how do you know if it is or isn't a landrace. I grow a lot of Angel Trumpets and amongst growers the moment it loses it's tag it becomes a NOID and there is no going back.

Got a good AM buzz on and a fresh funkin gonuts coffee in my hand wishin I had a suitcase in the other. WTF. :roll::-(


Well-Known Member
That's what I'm talking about jack.. I think you should take a roadtrip Bud and head to Guatemala and head to the Volcano. Pick up some local weed and smoke your way thru it looking for seeds. Then spend a few years conscientiously crossing the best plants within the strain with the end result being " Jack's Pacaya ". Dam that sounds cool and life is so freakin short. I'll tell you what. I will fund the trip and we will call it a research project. I can't go I gotta go to work. God Damm Son's of bitches!!:finger:

Hey grapes don't know what an IBL is but I can just about taste the Acapulco Gold and the Panama Red from the 70's and dang were they good and were really Gold and Red colored! They tell me the weed was not as potent back then as it is now but it sure felt like it was. I'm sure the Acapulco Gold is long gone as it was..

No sympathy from me wizard. I'm betting you would head back to Kalingan in a heart beat. What do you do with the strain now? Have you messed with it and such or is the same as when you found it? I think your right about ppl claiming Landrace being bs but I don't think it's intentional. It's just such a SMALL world with so little isolation and how do you know if it is or isn't a landrace. I grow a lot of Angel Trumpets and amongst growers the moment it loses it's tag it becomes a NOID and there is no going back.

Got a good AM buzz on and a fresh funkin gonuts coffee in my hand wishin I had a suitcase in the other. WTF. :roll::-(
**im currently looking for a good stable pheno from the beans i collected, lots of herms --but the phenos w/o that trait are keepers, ..the high is just, different ;)