Caffiene addicts?


Active Member
Hello RIU I was wondering how many of you are addicted too caffiene like me? And I am not talking about a can of red bull or a couple cups of coffee I am talking about caffiene powder by the 500mg+ on a daily basis? let me know what you take and if you're addicted :)
Not from pills I am talking about as much soda I could drink while I was at work addicted to it. If I worked 5 days in a row and then had 3 days off I would get horrible head aches. But I have gotten off of it for the most part now drinking drinks that don't have caffeine in them (7up) I used to be able to down 2 liters and go to sleep. Now I can't even drink a glass of tea and go to sleep.
not too crazy, just a couple coffees a day probably 3 or so. It was bad when I worked an office though, I drank from the pot next to my work computer
coffee is a hell of a drug. I drink maybe 3 cups a week...Dunkin Donuts blueberry with cream and sugar. When I used to smoke with my dad we'd get espresso and smoke a bowl and call it speedballing
Honestly you are all wrong you need caffiene powder mix it with a bit of beta alanine and some guranium :) best thing out
i drink between 6-8 cups of coffee a day. the high test shit, not that fruity breakfast blend crap. technically i'm addicted to the caffeine but it needs to be coffee. soda or pills just don't give me that sense of relief that a good cup of coffee does.
I drink between 10 and 20 mugs of coffee a day... I hear it's bad for you... but I also smoke a lot of cigarettes and that is bad for me too...

My body is not a temple... more like a 3rd world shanty town...
Well idk if it counts but for about a year or 3 now ive been hooked drinking mountain dew. about 15 or 20-2 liters , 5 or so 24 packs , and some coffee each day recently have been trying to cut back but i find it hard but my body hurts reall bad when i have one soda and if i eat say a cheese burger from mcdonalds i start to have really bad stomach pains and get light headed and feel like im dying im kinda forced to stay away
I drink so much coffee that my Doc. put me on pills to lower my Blood Pressure.
One time back when I was in the Navy I was having a cup of coffee in the mess deck and this cook asked me were I got the coffee? I told him I got it outta the coffee machine, and he says Dude thats not coffee... It's Ern Cleaner!!!!!
Best cup of coffee i ever had in the Navy!!!!
If I haven't had Crap Donalds in a long time their food tends to sit uneasy in my stomach... especially the double quarter pounders... and KFC gives me the squits...
If I haven't had Crap Donalds in a long time their food tends to sit uneasy in my stomach... especially the double quarter pounders... and KFC gives me the squits...

yah the only thing ive been able to eat from there were there chicken nuggets and fries but still doesnt sit right
ive been off caffeine for a long time due to anxiety issues.. but i (somewhat recently) took a gulp of some iced tea and i was up until like i guess im pretty sensitive to caffeine.
oh God - DOMINO'S is guaranteed shits. I eat Domino's and within 5-10 minutes I'm racing to the bathroom...and it's a butthole burning poop, every time
I drink so much coffee that my Doc. put me on pills to lower my Blood Pressure.
One time back when I was in the Navy I was having a cup of coffee in the mess deck and this cook asked me were I got the coffee? I told him I got it outta the coffee machine, and he says Dude thats not coffee... It's Ern Cleaner!!!!!
Best cup of coffee i ever had in the Navy!!!!

Doubles as "Ernal" cleaner. Bet you left a clean streak on the porcelain. cn