Is it time to start Flowering ??


Well-Known Member
your words man .......

he dosent have the light power to let them go. waste of time to grow tall lanky plants with no light for them. his inline he has is that exhaust fan. to cold bud. nutes are designed to work better at a bit higher temp. its not a world of diff but ive run 84 long time and been just fine. we all grow diff so may be fine for him and not you. stomata are more open higher temp thus more processing happens


Active Member
Those temps are bang on for any cannabis plant in what ever room/tent/closet, it was not a guess, there was no digging at you , i can see your helping him , all's good , im merely saying he has the light , the space , to let them go , nutes are not designed to work better at your suggested temps ? were on earth did you read that , if i see something inaccurate , i will correct , if i have the knowledge , im sharing it....
where did i read about temps and nutes. at the nute manufacurer and bio-chemist i work used to work at
and i hoope you do correct im doing. theres alot that have miss interpreted info out here.


Active Member
your words man .......

he dosent have the light power to let them go. waste of time to grow tall lanky plants with no light for them. his inline he has is that exhaust fan. to cold bud. nutes are designed to work better at a bit higher temp. its not a world of diff but ive run 84 long time and been just fine. we all grow diff so may be fine for him and not you. stomata are more open higher temp thus more processing happens

not sure what this was suposed to words??...ya they are? you think that was me saying run more light? wasnt. it was said to grow longer to fill the pots more. but that means taller plants doesnt it? cant veg without getting bigger above the soil to. so i meant he didnt have the light power for when it would be time as they would be fairly tall by then. ive flowered cloens with 1 week from signs of roots and done ok. it is just his first so he cant expect huge yields and grow first go at it. im not saying your wrong on the roots...hell ya more roots is always better, im just looking at the otyher end of it also. in my opinion under his 600 like i run id be at no more than 3 foot including pots when i cut down, so id flower about 1 foot


Active Member
the whole process goes on open stomata to allow more chlorophyl and other processes to happen. stomata are most open at 86 degree. that is bit much. but with co2 is the best temp to run at for best results. so lower tempos closes the stomata slowing food making in the plant. plant to plkant and room to room conditions will vary to what is the best temp to run it at, but there are cut offs hi and low


Well-Known Member
I mis-read it my apologies , im sticking to the best temps for Mj are 21-26* , although i guess there is an argument for it not to be as there is for everything else:)..... what nutes do you use ? with C02 added its a different ball park , but he is not ?


Active Member
oh i know co2 is diff level...was just rambling sure a couple degree wont even hsow to the eye any diff anyways. i was more sayin if 84 is best he can do without needing to drop major cahs for him on more fans then id say it would do...for a first wont kill it.
i use a few diff nutes and some raw foods also. my feeds and info are in journal in my signature. i wont stick to any 21 co for foods. no 1 nute has the best all in 1 line..not to me form what i know on foods and food sources and how its not same in the bottle once its made. just like human food when we cook that to. we loose nutrition. same deal goes on here