Highlanders Perpetual. BB,Ice,Void,Qleaner and Some of Chimeras' Strains!

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Haha nice should be even more fun then!

No snow you took it all lol and no mud either just looking at bare spots on the ground were there is only dirt, it's like reading a book lol. Your place will become a refuge this winter with all of the tops on the ground to eat when things get lean for them!

About to go fill an afternoon bubbler of some DOG and chug a cup of coffee (bobo you didna hear that ; ) talk to ya!


Well-Known Member
ya know, i'm not a coffee drinker... i love the smell though!! I had no idea it was that bad for ya!! whenever i was in the hospital they would always offer me coffee!! even when i was on restricted liquids, coffee was always accepted. it must just be the "anything in excess is bad for ya" motto....

I say screw it!! you enjoy that coffee!!!! I'm sure you will like the DOG better though!!!

and yea dude, i hope the deer eat that shit and not my bushes!!!!hahaha

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
You did saerimmner, there was a head wind that pushed her back a few days. I would start keeping your eye to the sky ;)

Awesome pics robbie very coo, thanksl!!!



Well-Known Member
Cheers Highlander, everyone seems to like the Mushies lol , my fav is the holly berries , got a real xmas card feel to it lol

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Cheers Highlander, everyone seems to like the Mushies lol , my fav is the holly berries , got a real xmas card feel to it lol
Holly berries, that's what they are! It was right on the tip of my tongue lol and I almost picked that one!! Definitely an xmas feel to it :)



Well-Known Member
I know this isn't what you want to see but thems the breaks hoss, I will make sure to drop shots of things worth looking at ;)


New Member
Hey King thanks for dropping by!

A little info on my grow...I'm a dirtbagger using FFOF with some amenments usually, such as extra worm castings for the nitrogen hogs like the Ice, bat guano when I feel like it, the larger size perlite and steamed bone meal all the time. My gardens are always sea of greens, though the pot size varies from time to time. Right now I'm using 1.7 gal. square rosepots, and cycle 15 or 16 girls through every month. Thats like thirty plants or so under a 36 sq ft footprint. Shoot for an oz a plant and get pretty close. The BB and the Ice are quite nice, the tga stuff I had to hunt through about a million phenos to find a couple of keepers. Nutes that I use are called Cornucopia, a local hydro guys own mix. Absolutely blows FF away!

Got some time tomorrow, I'll start getting some pics up
Dig your style...

Running sea of green have a question...

What strain have you found to have the largest main cola? I want a strain that will produce the most per sqft ... Running Purple Urkle right now and seems to get close to an oz in SOG... I go from clone to flower...


Well-Known Member
Man, when I lived up in Oregon I had a holy tree. They are beautiful! lol
I also had a nice little plant growing under my outdoor staircase :D


Well-Known Member
hahah dizzle .. you make me laugh bro :)
and stoney .. i agree mate its a shame there was no resin coated holly berries but if there was i would not recommend smoking them lmao !
CB , your Ladies looking real nice there man !

I got some pics of my new waterfarm setup and my SLH fingerz pheno i transported into it , head over to my journal n check them out (link in signature) also any of you cave dwellers know much about scrogs ??


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the Rep Jig .. i only just noticed it :) yeah i like the one with the furcone and my little lady aswell :) i have been playing with photoshop lately and im really diggin the way you can make a whole pic black and white but then bring the color back into certain parts ... like a pic of a MJ plant where the whole background image is black n white but the plant is a vibrant green or a close up bud shot in black n white but make each individual hair still have color ... looks amazing after abit of time :)

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Dig your style...

Running sea of green have a question...

What strain have you found to have the largest main cola? I want a strain that will produce the most per sqft ... Running Purple Urkle right now and seems to get close to an oz in SOG... I go from clone to flower...
I haven't found a good strain to go straight from rooting to flower. I have some fair ones. The calizhar is a good commercial cropper, finishes real quick. I am trying some straight from clone right now but I have a feeling they won't get tall enough. I have a cross of the Calizhar with my Caseyband (casey jones x headband) that is my best sog strain right now. Puts out a nice terminal cola but the flower time approaches 9 wks. Chimeras Mental Floss is supposed to be a crazy good sog strain too if you get the right pheno but that's a 9 weeker also. Seems like if you want the weight you need that extra week of flowering. Good luck, not a lot of help but if you have any other questions feel free. Someone around here will have an answer for ya! :)

Just made a Lowes run, settling into a nice stone right now, Armageddon is on the tube. Stopped and got some low fat half and half too. It's a lot better than what I have been using the last few days.

Nice pics of your diesel cowboy, what are it's genetics?



Well-Known Member
That was a dynafem (spanish company) diesel, it was a freebie from an order. It would have been a single cola with 4 little satellites had I not jerked a knot in her trunk at the start of flower. The seedmaker (I say that because they don't really breed they make f1 fems) claims that it is from sour diesel/chem but this is not sour d or chem d. I have heard some people say that these genetics are from somas nycd. It did get some purple flecks in there and this pheno is extremely pungent, within a minute or so of opening the jar the whole room is filled with the strongest piney grapefruity old school pot odor. Too bad it is a fem because as an individual its smell/flavor are exceptional giving it a boost to potency would be a fun project.


Well-Known Member
That was a dynafem (spanish company) diesel, it was a freebie from an order. It would have been a single cola with 4 little satellites had I not jerked a knot in her trunk at the start of flower. The seedmaker (I say that because they don't really breed they make f1 fems) claims that it is from sour diesel/chem but this is not sour d or chem d. I have heard some people say that these genetics are from somas nycd. It did get some purple flecks in there and this pheno is extremely pungent, within a minute or so of opening the jar the whole room is filled with the strongest piney grapefruity old school pot odor. Too bad it is a fem because as an individual its smell/flavor are exceptional giving it a boost to potency would be a fun project.
i'm pretty sure HC has a dinafem diesel from the fairy. almost pretty sure. Glad the smoke was enjoyable.


Well-Known Member
I just burped it today and after a week the smell is turning more and more citrus. I am looking forward to a cured test, again the high is mild and is fairly disappointing in that regard but the turpines are proving to be amazing at every phase. It smells like orange lifesavers right now, I was huffing that jar like a hobo with a bag of gold paint.