Busted for under a gram


Spandy your right i should have kept my mouth shut but if he found the weed i would have been charged anyway... because as u know bud is illegal and you will be charged if you open your mouth or not... and you must be a cop cuz any stoner i know hates pigs and would never take the side of them so keep hiding behind your keyboard talking shit GOOF!


Well-Known Member
i was drunk because i was walking out of a bar rite out the front door! and i said that getting a ticket is bullshit that aint really mouthing off...
Around where I live cops use "Public Intoxication" as one of their catch all charges that they can almost always use as justification for a search or an arrest. I'm on your side bro! YOU made a mistake by being drunk in public and mouthing off. You may not consider saying "This is bullshit!" as mouthing off but to a cop who maybe had a bad night or is a power mad thug, it is indeed mouthing off. Just be more careful and understand that getting an attitude with the cops is NEVER a good idea. It won't ever work in your favor and may end up hurting you. The best thing to do is to be polite, call them sir or ma'am, be cooperative with them, but don't ever say too much. In other words, don't talk to them AT ALL (with the exception of providing them with basic information such as your name and address). I hate seeing people get hassled by the cops, which is why I'm taking MY TIME typing this in an attempt to help you for the future.bongsmilie

BTW, I'm glad everything worked out for you.


Well-Known Member
Spandy your right i should have kept my mouth shut but if he found the weed i would have been charged anyway... because as u know bud is illegal and you will be charged if you open your mouth or not... and you must be a cop cuz any stoner i know hates pigs and would never take the side of them so keep hiding behind your keyboard talking shit GOOF!
Why would I hate them just because I smoke pot? What are you, 15?


Well-Known Member
Whenever a cop asks you a question, you aren't under any obligation to answer unless it is your name and address. just keep asking them questions, they get the point fairly quickly and leave you alone most of the time.

like this guy: Start watching at :21



Well-Known Member
hey guys i was out for my youngest brothers 19th birthday we went to the bar in Windsor Ontario we were leaving the bar and my idiot brother took his beer out with him... the pigs stopped us and started giving us drinking fines i was drunk and pissed off and said this is bull shit, i should have kept my mouth shut but i made a dumb move.. the cops searched us and found a not even a gram of weed on me.... they charged me with possesion and sent me off to jail.. i got a lawyer as this was my 2nd time with this bullshit charge... does anyone know what the chances of me getting away with tihs is??? i cant be charged or i will lose my job... is it likeley i will be charged or will they throw it out?? what a waste of are tax dollars....
Same thing happened to me in my own back yard, a couple months after my 18th.