Do You Support The "Occupy"Protests?

Do you support the global "Occupy" protests?

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trainwreck. Not original I know, but it's a classic for a reason.

But it got way too many votes IMO. I don't remember it being too spectacular.
Cindy 99 is the only one on the list that I would "write home about" that I've tried. Some other ones on there sound pretty good though.
But it got way too many votes IMO. I don't remember it being too spectacular.
Cindy 99 is the only one on the list that I would "write home about" that I've tried. Some other ones on there sound pretty good though.

why ask us?

i'm sure the new branch of the galaxy can give you a much better answer.
How the fuck did this thread go from something serious that is changing the world to astrological ages and weed strain polls? It is obvious marijuana is not conducive to this conversation....
How the fuck did this thread go from something serious that is changing the world to astrological ages and weed strain polls? It is obvious marijuana is not conducive to this conversation....

Maybe because high as fuck Finshaggy makes more sense than the Occupy? That's saying a lot.
How the fuck did this thread go from something serious that is changing the world to astrological ages and weed strain polls? It is obvious marijuana is not conducive to this conversation....
Because it's been over 420 posts. That's a lot to stay on topic.
And I just looked, the seed strain thing WAS post 420. LOL.

If you're asking for a real answer, someone said that change, becomes rule, becomes slavery, becomes change.
But the age change should break that cycle. That is how that topic came up.

And that conversation about Ages seemed finished, so I asked if anyone wanted to help this guy out.

Maybe because high as fuck Finshaggy makes more sense than the Occupy? That's saying a lot.

Not really, it all made sense. It happened in an order that can be followed logically. Maybe not by you, but logically. And not just this conversation. This is a two way reply, to your two way reply. all made sense. It happened in an order that can be followed logically. Maybe not by you, but logically....

what is so "logical" about a new wing of the galaxy freeing us from slavery? did your god or whatever tell you that it was logical, and so you believe it?

i like how you tried to insult the guy for not following your hippy crap. hint: no one is following that shit.
Not really, it all made sense. It happened in an order that can be followed logically. Maybe not by you, but logically. And not just this conversation. This is a two way reply, to your two way reply.

That's what I meant. The occupy movement is stupid. You and me getting together to blaze would get more done in one session than the nearly two months of occupy. Just yelling the 1% sucks and playing a drum doesn't sound anywhere near as fun. Our time together wouldn't solve a damn thing. But, having a good time is worth it. I feel if the occupy had that attitude, maybe they could change themselves. You're never going to have everyone like the future system, even though change happens. I think the system became a lot better personally. Sure it's not perfect. But we got rid of: the trusts, child labor, stopped companies from polluting drinking water (Erin Brockovich), child abuse with violent hitting no longer is allowed, 16 medical states ( much better than the days Nixon medically disabled us with papaquat), most people don't starve and the eradication of many diseases that used to kill. Also our lives are made so much easier with global communication with internet and cell phones, and global travel. There are things which aren't so nice such as the Patriot Act. For the most part things are pretty good.
what is so "logical" about a new wing of the galaxy freeing us from slavery? did your god or whatever tell you that it was logical, and so you believe it?

i like how you tried to insult the guy for not following your hippy crap. hint: no one is following that shit.

I didn't try to insult him.
I told him what happened.
That's what I meant. The occupy movement is stupid. You and me getting together to blaze would get more done in one session than the nearly two months of occupy. Just yelling the 1% sucks and playing a drum doesn't sound anywhere near as fun. Our time together wouldn't solve a damn thing. But, having a good time is worth it. I feel if the occupy had that attitude, maybe they could change themselves. You're never going to have everyone like the future system, even though change happens. I think the system became a lot better personally. Sure it's not perfect. But we got rid of: the trusts, child labor, stopped companies from polluting drinking water (Erin Brockovich), child abuse with violent hitting no longer is allowed, 16 medical states ( much better than the days Nixon medically disabled us with papaquat), most people don't starve and the eradication of many diseases that used to kill. Also our lives are made so much easier with global communication with internet and cell phones, and global travel. There are things which aren't so nice such as the Patriot Act. For the most part things are pretty good.

Agreed, being in the streets is going to end nowhere but starvation and robbing each other, eventually arming up, gangs. Then a real 60's type movement with people really getting things done, in and out of gangs.

But we don't just need to "Strip this system", we actually need another way. It's just some people...A lot of people, don't know what to do but go out in the street and say they want change.

Not too far in the future shit will get more progressive though.
It was more a comment geared towards getting people to focus on the OP. Not so much questioning the validity of this thread... I agree there have been many good points made on both sides, but most people are un/misinformed on the occupy movement. This is worldwide, not just America. What's the point of fixing illness when no one can afford the insurance to get the illness healed? Whoever said child labor has stopped and that our water supply isn't being contaminated obviously has no clue about what plastic is doing to our ecosystem. Ever heard of BPA and Pthalates? Do a little research on what impact those chemicals have had on all of the Earth's Flora and Fauna. Ever seen what happens to all the plastic we throw away? It eventually ends up in Chinese plastic separation camps, of which are inhabited and ran by children...Did I mention the corporations that control all of this?

This is exactly what I am talking about. The people are so disillusioned, they have no clue what is really going on the in the world. And by the people, I mean Americans.