Electrical question


Active Member

i need to know how to get these two things connected which hooks on to what?

any help is appreciated.
More information required. What you have pictured here just does not look right, why have a male end connecting to a socket box? wtf?

When I have ever attached a 3 prong end to something, I match the colors, pretty simple, copper to copper(green to copper), black to black, then you just have 1 left, cant go in your ear. Well I guess it could.
First of all , the wire coming out of that box is 12-3 awg.. The plug in your hand requires (technically) 16-2awg... The 12 will work. But you only need the black and the white wire, the red wire is not needed(cap it off).. As a journeyman electrician, I really don't advise you doing what looks like you are going to do... Details as to what you are trying to do please?
okay i am trying to hook that cord (an extension cord) so i can hook up a light and a fan for a plant i am going to planting soon
just get a surge protected receptacle to hook up to the extension cord? its like 7 bucks for a good one, way better than the potential fire hazard of you shorting one of those wires
come on man .. look at the pic .. its 12-3 wire which means ....
white is neutral
black is 110v hot
red is 110v hot
copper is ground
at least give correct info
why dont you just install a dual wall socket like a normal house wall socket. That blue box is meant to support either a light switch or a dual socket
go to home depot and buy one, all you do is strip 1" of the wire to expose the copper and hook it around the screw provided. Then screw the correct wire in and repeat for all 3 wires
Black is hot
Red is neutral
Copper is ground

you will need to cut a piece of Black wire uncap the 2 black connecting wires and twist them together then re twist the cap on holding all 3 black wires (repeat on Red wire) then hook the added black wire up to the duel socket
the copper wire can be trimmed a little bit so it fits behind the socket (too many wires not a lot of space)
Push the wires in and put a cover on it. (you will have to buy this separately)
Screw in and you are good to go

i used to be an apprentice electrician and have had a full house current run through my body....NOT PLEASANT!
have someone "spot" you as well

good luck!

Any apprentice electrician (even a helper) knows that red is a hot conductor....SMH..... What you just told him is not only wront but dangerous....
My mistake, kinda hard to determine which is which without it in front of me.

and i was an apprentice at 11 yo so it isn't like i am claiming to be an electrician. I have rewired everything from a heater to a house but like i said...has to be in front of me
haven't had problems thus far
My mistake, kinda hard to determine which is which without it in front of me.

and i was an apprentice at 11 yo so it isn't like i am claiming to be an electrician. I have rewired everything from a heater to a house but like i said...has to be in front of me
haven't had problems thus far

.. apprenticeing doesnt start that young .... you were more likely helping someone who actually knew what they were doing ..