Stop Bluffing, Israel

Why do you both want to persecute minorites? Why are they not allowed to have represenitives? Why is preservation of one culture any less important than preservation of another?
I'm willing to bet that Christian fundamentalist think preservation of Christian fundamentalisim is a good thing.
Why is it you feel your bigotry and intolerance acceptable?

The Amish are Christian Fundamentalists
No one persecutes them
Becuase they keep their religion to themselves
Now take your bible and shove it up your already white supremacist fisted ass
Why do you both want to persecute minorites? Why are they not allowed to have represenitives? Why is preservation of one culture any less important than preservation of another?
I'm willing to bet that Christian fundamentalist think preservation of Christian fundamentalisim is a good thing.
Why is it you feel your bigotry and intolerance acceptable?
LOL You just called Christians the minority. :lol: Well preservation of one culture being more important than another because the good Christians told us so. ;)
The Amish are Christian Fundamentalists
No one persecutes them
Becuase they keep their religion to themselves
Now take your bible and shove it up your already white supremacist fisted ass
The hatered and intolerence that eminates from you is disturbing.
The Amish are Christian Fundamentalists
No one persecutes them
Becuase they keep their religion to themselves
Now take your bible and shove it up your already white supremacist fisted ass
LOL Just going to throw this out their, I've met a lot of Amish people. And every last one of them were complete pricks and tried pushed their religiosity on me. :lol:
If they keep to themselves, why do they deal with you?

Because The mennanites have no problem looking outside their Community for work. And the Company i work for uses a mennanite Construction Company to work on their expansion

And dont worry You would like them

They are white and Germanic
Not looking for protection
Just don't feel I need to read the opinion of someone who worships David DUke
And White power

Spoken like a true bigot.

Bigot = One who is strongly partial to one's own group, religion, race, or politics and is intolerant of those who differ.

Or to put it in to terms the knuckle scrapers can understand, its my ball, so if you do as i tell you, i'me taking my ball in. :grin:

Ooops, i had better go steady here, the thread will be getting deleted AGAIN.
LOL You just called Christians the minority. :lol: Well preservation of one culture being more important than another because the good Christians told us so. ;)

Nowhere in my post did I say that Christians are the minority.
I am pointing out that you could consider David Duke a representitive of minorities, in that he was a Klan leader and Klansmen and those who share their ideals are a minority and as a successful politican and scolar Dr David Duke could be considered one of that groups few representitives.
Nowhere in my post did I say that Christians are the minority.
I am pointing out that you could consider David Duke a representitive of minorities, in that he was a Klan leader and Klansmen and those who share their ideals are a minority and as a successful politican and scolar Dr David Duke could be considered one of that groups few representitives.
May I please direct you to obscurantisme terroriste and Poisoning the well?

The micro-topic was on Christian Fundamentalism, you claim that single sentence was on an entirely different micro-topic?
May I please direct you to obscurantisme terroriste and Poisoning the well?

The micro-topic was on Christian Fundamentalism, you claim that single sentence was on an entirely different micro-topic?
I was just defending David Duke, I think it was you who asked who thought christian fundementalisim is good- and I was pointing out that i'm sure Christian fundamentalists do. I think I was trying to respond to several posts at once. I would also say real Christians who follow the literal word of the bible are a small minority- so maybe Christians are a minority once you discount those who mearly identify themselves as Christians.
so maybe Christians are a minority once you discount those who mearly identify themselves as Christians.

I was just defending David Duke, I think it was you who asked who thought christian fundementalisim is good- and I was pointing out that i'm sure Christian fundamentalists do. I think I was trying to respond to several posts at once. I would also say real Christians who follow the literal word of the bible are a small minority- so maybe Christians are a minority once you discount those who mearly identify themselves as Christians.

Why in the fuck would you defend David Duke?
You defend hitlers Actions as well?

Wouldnt you be better off in the Meth Forum?
Why in the fuck would you defend David Duke?
You defend hitlers Actions as well?

Wouldnt you be better off in the Meth Forum?
Hitler gets a bad rap...
Everyone turned against him and tried to place blame on him and use him as a scape goat-
Hitler was the democraticly elected leader of Germany, and time magizines man of the year.
Hitler gets a bad rap...
Everyone turned against him and tried to place blame on him and use him as a scape goat-
Hitler was the democraticly elected leader of Germany, and time magizines man of the year.

how do i save that as a signature
how do i save that as a signature
Why not consider what was said,
Why is it Hitler you speak of?
Were not the countless Germans who paid taxes and worked in the machine shops and served in the military every bit as guilty as he?
What about the Jewish Nazis were they not also to blame?
What about the Americans and U.S. companys that made it possible also equally to blame?
Why not consider what was said,
Why is it Hitler you speak of?
Were not the countless Germans who paid taxes and worked in the machine shops and served in the military every bit as guilty as he?
What about the Jewish Nazis were they not also to blame?
What about the Americans and U.S. companys that made it possible also equally to blame?
Haha! LMFAO! I don't think I've ever read something funnier on here. :lol: The Mischlinge, or partial-jews, were foot soldiers used as cannon fodder. x) It was just a really cleaver way to exterminate them. lol Gotta hand it to Hitler, he was a mad genius. :eyesmoke:
Haha! LMFAO! I don't think I've ever read something funnier on here. :lol: The Mischlinge, or partial-jews, were foot soldiers used as cannon fodder. x) It was just a really cleaver way to exterminate them. lol Gotta hand it to Hitler, he was a mad genius. :eyesmoke:
Feild Marshal Milch? Didn't he lead the Blitzkrieg?
Feild Marshal Milch? Didn't he lead the Blitzkrieg?

"Wer Jude ist, bestimme ich"

He was already a high ranking member and there was an affidavit saying his father wasn't a Jew, but instead his father was his mother's uncle. :eyesmoke: They did love to manipulate and make use of certain beneficial Jews. ;)