The intellectual argumentation

I'll actually reply to your question. Elvis has left the building. Yep, she had already made up her mind before you even started talking to her; she used your "helping her" to give you the old one finger salute. Ask yourself, do you really want a bitch that has no interest in bettering herself? You need someone you can communicate with and that will be on the same wavelength as you. Forget the bitch and move on.

i agree and she started to troll me and shit i was ugh so evil bitch.
i just want to point out the title of this, horrible thread is " . .. intellectual argumentation" argumentation like this is a seminar or debate for us to tell you what wrong

lets see, its definetely you, look up the word fallacy and then follow this three steps

Dont do it
Dont do it
Stop posting this crap, wheres URCA

wiki says this about argumentation

Argumentation theory, or argumentation, is the interdisciplinary study of how humans should, can, and do reach conclusions through logical reasoning, that is, claims based, soundly or not, on premises. It includes the arts and sciences of civil debate, dialogue, conversation, and persuasion. It studies rules of inference, logic, and procedural rules in both artificial and real world settings.

the idiots created a word to explain being a liar as a form of arguing . . .. . . . . . . what the fuck

your an idiot, your Cliff form cheers, your Karl or lenny, the Curly haired kid from Rosanne, ahhh the Water warming pad in the littel red toaster, ahhh The "Dudes" land lord ftom the big Laboywski

thats what im saying two.

wait idkkk brooo im just so high so im not sure now i dont get any of this fucking shit.
Delusional thoughts from paraniod island

"started to troll me"

huhhh, whos making threads on forums trying to gather support to validate irrational decisions
ya, im with the talking ambulance, she is definitely creeped out by you,

whatever you see in her, in involves you, first mistake of fallacy, because she dont see you anywhere near her if it was her choice

time to find a new FaceBook friend to stalk
I got my brain all warmed up for this?!! a prostitute for the holidays and forget about it.