does flushing with ph adjusted water stress plants


Active Member
does flushing in soil with ph6.5 adjusted water at room temps still stress plants ??
or does moving them give them more stress which is it ?.

i did this and they look a bit poorly even after 24 hours.

only 17 days until harvest.


Well-Known Member
You're flushing 17 days from harvest? Do you care about the health of your plants at the most critical stage of flower growth?


Active Member
You're flushing 17 days from harvest? Do you care about the health of your plants at the most critical stage of flower growth?
well, the leaves started burning, drying and turning brown and curling from the tips at the top of the plant and then started to develop yellow spot too, a few days ago,a deep green leaf burned to hell at the tips toward the middle with bright yellow spots on looks weird, i have got far too much money invested in this grow with 17 DAYS TO GO, to get a reply of QUOTE " do i care about the health of 50 plants at this stage" well the answer is "YES I DO",, if they topple over now while the buds are massive and the trichomes are clear i will fucking go absoutely insane, i wish you had not answered this question smokinrav, because if you did this to my face i would have scarred you for life, anyway what the fuck am i going to do..........
they have started to lean over big time................. i have done something wrong somewhere!!!!



Well-Known Member
Ah, you didn't say there were health issues already going on.

You'll have to provide every detail you can think of, including what you did before the problems began and the basic info on the grow


Active Member
I have read that flushing with a mild nute solution is best,50 plants is alot to loose this far in,have you checked the ph of the run off to see what its at,are there enough holes in the bottom of your pots to let all the water out?it doesnt really matter at this point what nutes or how much you gave them if there burned as bad as it sounds,the only thing you can do now is hope that they bounce back,I would raise the light so its not to close for a few days,and are you useing tap water by chance,some places are useing chloramine in place of chlorine and its harder to remove it from the water just a thought because it happend to me


Well-Known Member
does flushing in soil with ph6.5 adjusted water at room temps still stress plants ??
or does moving them give them more stress which is it ?.

i did this and they look a bit poorly even after 24 hours.

only 17 days until harvest.
i would say that moving and flushing them could have caused shock....i doubt it tho id give them a propper flushing with water around 6.5 and then keep em on straight water and mollases the whole way out....good juck


Well-Known Member
Flushing takes all the air and nutrients out of the dirt...
But it sound like you may of had watering issues before
flushing. The drooping and downward cupping of the
dying leaves is a sign of root rot from over watering.
Over watering for extended amount of time will cause this~