Possible cop trouble.


New Member
well dude all i can say is enjoy being a pole puffer for the next 6 months
Retard selling stolen property on E-bay


my 1st agreement is if you did sell some hot things on ebay u r retarted cuz u knew they were. so i laugh at yoiu cuz people that steal are usually smarter than what you seem to be.i say you gunna end up in jail cuz the cops are looking for you and your first idea was to jump on RIU and ask what to do? hahaha i would yanked those fuckers already. and as for waiting and just playing your game ur gunna get rat fucked. senario in my mind. you got high waitied for mw3 didnt pull your plants then while into your game a little a knock on the door of your smoke filled house and poof your goin to jail. just saying.....


no i took care of everything first. got all the plants moved, all the equipment moved. called 3 police departments nobody knows why they were looking for me. I guess I will just wait it out, and ask for a lawyer when I feel like a suspect


New Member
or u could do the right thing and go turn yourself in for selling stolen stuff .... i hope your plants die