
Hi Everyone

I'm on day 9 but have noticed that 5/6 of my little plants are starting to develop dark green sections on their leaves and have a sort of matt/dry look. Any ideas on what this could be? I'm using BB All mix

One of the six also has slightly claw like leaf tips which I had put down to over watering? I've been giving them each about 10-20mls of water each day but held back yesterday as I thought I may have been over watering. Could the claw and matt leaves be linked?

When watering I've been pouring the water close to the edge of the pot (not so close it runs out the bottom) and have been doing this to encourage the roots to spread out. Am I right in my thinking with this and will it be beneficial?

I've included some pictures to help with the diagnosis :bigjoint:IMG_0745.jpgIMG_0743.jpg


New Member
first of all...no nutes are needed yet....thats the problem
yes,roots will seek water


Well-Known Member
you only water when the soil is almost dried out then give it a heavy one to flush your soil out, your plants don't look too bad otherwise.
Ok cool I'm well aware of the whole no nutes part until the 4th week but why is that the problem? With the roots seeking out the water around the outside of the pot will this promote a good root system early on as opposed to later down the line? My understanding is the better the root system the better the plant will get on?

With the watering I'm so conscious to not over/under do it which is why I've been just doing it bit by bit and with the exception of yesterday - daily. The one bit I havent done yet is give them that much water it comes out the bottom of the pot. Should I be doing this and if so how often?

Thanks again for the pointers and the matt/claw leaves are all good?


Active Member
Hi Everyone

I'm on day 9 but have noticed that 5/6 of my little plants are starting to develop dark green sections on their leaves and have a sort of matt/dry look. Any ideas on what this could be? I'm using BB All mix

One of the six also has slightly claw like leaf tips which I had put down to over watering? I've been giving them each about 10-20mls of water each day but held back yesterday as I thought I may have been over watering. Could the claw and matt leaves be linked?

When watering I've been pouring the water close to the edge of the pot (not so close it runs out the bottom) and have been doing this to encourage the roots to spread out. Am I right in my thinking with this and will it be beneficial?

I've included some pictures to help with the diagnosis :bigjoint:View attachment 1879768View attachment 1879769
I'm assuming that the BB All mix you're referring to is soil? Like frmboi said, you don't want to overwater, but when you water you want the soil completely soaked with good drainage. Dry spots can develope in your soil. If your soil is dry, water can seep down around the edges and drain giving you the false impression that the soil is soaked.
yep BB All-Mix is a soil that contains all the relevant feed/nutes for the first four weeks - with the watering should I be soaking the soil once a week and/or continue with the drip feeding 10-20mls every or so day and not soaking this early on?



New Member
yep BB All-Mix is a soil that contains all the relevant feed/nutes for the first four weeks - with the watering should I be soaking the soil once a week and/or continue with the drip feeding 10-20mls every or so day and not soaking this early on?

oh....I thought the all mix was your nutrients.....
well the problem would be the soil being too hot for the seedling
basically it's over fertilized
Thanks moash so with the soil being too hot could I cure this by giving them enough water to drain out of the pot? I had thought the bio biobizz all mix was fine for seedlings and its strange that not all of them have the curling tips and I've just noticed slightly yellow spots on the claw plant.

Also once I do flush the plants with water do I let them sit in the drained water or not? Will this also wash all the nutes from the soil?


New Member
idk what you can do about that...
i wouldnt advise flushing though...
maybe transplanting???I would get other opinions...
Thanks again Moash and when I say flush I mean give them enough water so it runs out the pot - not flush as in towards the end of flowering.


Active Member
Thanks again Moash and when I say flush I mean give them enough water so it runs out the pot - not flush as in towards the end of flowering.
I'm sure he knew what you meant by flush. Adding fine dolomite lime will balance your PH, but even that takes time.


Active Member
watering untill all your soil is damp the first time you water allows your natural nutes in your soil to start breaking down . If your soil has natural nutes that is . I don't have any experience but this is what the dude thats showing me the ropes says . Also I am use oversized pots to help with over/under watering to some extent . I don't water as often as i would need to in say a small 3 or 5 gallon pot . other then that first watering i would follow what these pro's are saying and only water when the top is dry.
Excellent I understand exactly now and the reasons behind it - so basically with a soil like mine you should flush early on to awaken the soil and this will help the nute burn which is caused by the build up in the soil.

For now I'll continue with my little bit of water everyday and live with the nute burn. When I next pot up could I flush the new soil before I put the plants in or once they have been potted.

Will nute burn this early on have a detrimental effect on the plant long term and effect the end product?

I'm really enjoying my first grow, learning everyday and appreciate all the help


New Member
I'm sure it will grow out of it as it is not that bad
When you transplant,your plant will be established enough that the nutrients will benefit the plant....
So trying to flush the soil wont be necessary when transplanting
Also,you should do what slonez says reguardless...
you obviously didn't get what anybody was saying did you ?
I understand that I dont need to water the plants everyday but only when the top inch of soil is dry - however at present every day the top inch is dry and I water accordingly - if it was still wet I wouldnt be watering. Is this what I'm not understanding?

With the nute burn the way I understand it I cant flush my plant as it is now and by the time I repot the plant should be able to handle the nutes so it wont need a flush. Apart from repoting the plant now there is nothing I can do except water when needed to help with the nute burn - or is there?

BTW dude I'm learning and trying not be completely clueless but its all new. I've done so much reading in the past few months before even picking up a seed and obviously still have a lot to learn. This is why i joined this forum as it seemed to be the best of the bunch with the best advice.

If I'm going on the wrong track with my posts then point me in the right direction(or not) but remember I'm green/new to this so i might need it breaking down more than another experienced grower.


Thanks for all the support so far ...


New Member
What frmrboi is trying to say is you dont need to water everyday....
Everytime you water,you release nutrients,thus making it worse
How big is the pot you are in?
You could probably get away with once a week
Cool thanks again moash and finally I get it now - I had thought they way I was watering was fine as the top inch or two was dry but I stand corrected.

I'll hold well back on the water (until I see signs indicating they are thirsty) and I'm using 5 inch pots at the minute. Bearing in mind the amount I've given the plants pretty much daily do you think I could just water again in a weeks time to limit the damage.


Well-Known Member
do you think I could just water again in a weeks time to limit the damage.
yeah, you're freaking out about negligible damage BTW.
Another thing, that looks like peat based soil, as it gets older it decomposes relesing a lot of humic acid that you must flush out, I left a pot of ornamentals for a month once and finally flushed. The runoff was as dark a strong tea.