ok marijuana helps me so much....i am growing in my parents house, my mum is fine with it she knows how much it helps me, it is my first grow btw 3 weeks in, my dad who is old fashioned found it...wants it out the house but is waiting until i confront him about it as my mum told me...my mum says i should write him a letter or talk face to face with him about the truth, which it really has saved me, and im not just saying that....i have aspergers and autism, i have a severe speech impediment a stutter, used to have depression and anxiety and panic attacks, the past few years marijuana has saved me, of course my dad found a little bag of a few joints worth of weed in my room before but that was ok because i promised it wouldnt be in his house again..but the fact is it helps me so much, my stutter/stammer is like almost practically gone compared to when i first started smoking when i was 16, when i stuttered so bad, that i would bang my foot on the ground and cry in frustration...i know it sounds pathetic but it truly was that bad i couldnt function in any social situation, marijuana has given me friends, a life, motivation, a reason to live for, when i was 16 i almost considered commiting suicide one time....i need to tell my dad with my mums backing why he should let me finish this grow of a miracle cure...just to let you know i dont smoke to get high i smoke for the health benefits....my mum has advised writing a well thought letter or speech to him before he throws it out....suggestions are needed please...if he lets me i will keep you posted on whats the story with my and my dad
please, this is a strongly subject i am passionate about as marijuana is my only cure, even my mum says it has banished my stutter almost completely and autism signs gone...seriously even my optician said somehow my sight has gotten miles better compared to a few years ago! please help me! suggestions, arguments needed! what should i write and tell him?!