Pressing bubble hash bad???


Well-Known Member
I read in an old issue of cannabis culture. In n article with bubble man. That he said pressing bubble is bad because it breaks the trichomes and causes canibinoid deteriation. He said its best to just let it dry and cure for 5 days to a week.

Any thoughts?


Well-Known Member
For those who don't know who bubble man is. He isvthe one who invented bubble bags. I bought my first set from his site over 10 years ago.


Well-Known Member
Doesn't really make sense to me, how it can deteriorate any canibinoids by simply pressing it. Ive been using a 2.5ton press for kief to make pressed hash for a while now and never noticed any flavor or potency change.
Actually made it smell a lot better due to the crushing or the terpenes.


Well-Known Member
For those who don't know who bubble man is. He isvthe one who invented bubble bags. I bought my first set from his site over 10 years ago.
He claims it was his idea. With some research you will find out that that is complete bull shit. They have been around a lot longer before he even knew what marijuana was. For extractions of spices and such.


Well-Known Member
As far as I found the vinyl bags with mesh screens was from him. Before that for spices and flowers or even hash they used cheese cloth. But ill keep looking.


Well-Known Member
As far as I found the vinyl bags with mesh screens was from him. Before that for spices and flowers or even hash they used cheese cloth. But ill keep looking.
Once i get back home from class I'll post a couple links from my own research. As well as pictures and a little bit more information on what i found.


Well-Known Member
i use a vice and custom plates to press kief. whatever the source.

bubblehash being no exception. grab all the chunks and press the shit out of them. I cant tell the difference between smoking it as it comes out of the bag or after being crushed together. kind of like a block of soap imo?

breaking trichomes? Is that like splitting atoms? ;-)