QUICK question regarding lighting

Im on my first grow, all is going well so far. Got 3 WW & 1 Afghan Kush under a 1000w hps & im about 4 weeks into flowering, the AK is about 3 in. from the 1000w, its aircooled and not hot at all, hasnt showed any signs of burn, is this ok? Thanks ....stoned.


Well-Known Member
As long as it's not hot you should be ok, place your hand where the top of your 'canopy' is...if it's slightly warm on your hand....too warm for the plants.


Well-Known Member
As long as temps are good yea... If it gets too close and/or too hot the tops of the buds start to bleach


Active Member
Sounds awfully close for a grand. If the plants are happy I guess stick with it. Watch for bleaching though. You can have too much light contrary to popular belief. I have seen it myself. Personally my 1k never gets closer than 18" with a 6" air cooled hood but typically 24".


Active Member
Oh, the worst thing you can do is be in a hurry or push shit to the edge. Be patient and learn good technique. The plants will do the work. Otherwise you will "love them to death". I am an impatient fuck and done it myself;) good luck. Keep us posted.


Well-Known Member
Just bend the plant over, so take your thumb and fore finger and roll the stalk between them till you feel the fibers start to crush than bend it over at a 45, I do this all the time when I do mixed grows so I can give the ladies the same lite. The bend will turn into a knuckle, if it goes more than 55 degrees stake it, have the stake with you just in case. Here are the last ladies I bent over, LMAO

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Active Member
Just bend the plant over, so take your thumb and fore finger and roll the stalk between them till you feel the fibers start to crush than bend it over at a 45, I do this all the time when I do mixed grows so I can give the ladies the same lite. The bend will turn into a knuckle, if it goes more than 55 degrees stake it, have the stake with you just in case. Here are the last ladies I bent over, LMAO

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Shit looks good woodsmaneh! I have yet to try super cropping. I'm gonna have to try it for unruly girls.