*Makin' bacon with kottonmouth*


Well-Known Member
Thanks so much guys. I am going to get that shit today. I took it out of the room and put it in my kitchen where there is good light. I also need to either make a DWC or get it in soil. It came in hydroton. I am so naive sometimes, I swear. Now I know why they gave me such a "good deal" by giving me the bigger one for the price of the smaller one. I should have met them somewhere other than the market by my house where I would have felt comfortable inspecting it; instead of quickly opening each car door and moving it as fast as possible from one to the other so all the red in my neighborhood wouldn't see it. Nothing against red, but damn! I don't need errbody knowin' my biz and shit! lol

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
U probly wouldnt have seen it anyway fumble! It happens! Ill treat from now on anyways to be safe if i dont raise/clone it myself. Grow on sista!


Well-Known Member
And I am finally here. :) Looking at getting a tent and a 400 to run 2-4 plants indoor year round. :) But I am just going to poke into your thread for a while till I get everything together. :)


Well-Known Member
fumble, yes that is PM, it takes up to a week for a plant to show signs of PM. So its been infected. Need to battle that shit quickly man or else it will spread like wildfire and wipe your grow out!

I recommend Serenade (the bottle on the left): http://www.serenadegarden.com/docs/SG-QuickReferenceCard-single page-11.pdf

I am pretty sure they sell this in Home Depot , Lowes and WalMart.

It doesn't do any damage to your plants but smells like a sharp vinegar! Stinks really bad but works very good! You need to assure you have good circulation in your grow room. What are your temps like and how do you exhaust your grow???

If you need anymore info on PM let me know, I had a outbreak of it last year and won the battle.


Right now the room is not operating fully. I just have them in the closet. I had regular florescents but just switched in the last week to 2x4 t5 8light 432 watts. We cut a hole in the floor and put a screen over it for intake of cool air from under the house. There is a six inch charcoal filter and can fan for exhaust and it is 70 degrees. We actually just covered the intake because it was too cold in there. It was probably in the 60's before we covered it.


Well-Known Member
Thanks.. I was pleasantly surprised by the lil lady this week when she said she wanted me to grow and wanted to grow a plant herself! So I am going to get together some stuff and teach her what I know. It should be a cool little project! :D I just have to find my tent, find out what wattage I wanna go with and pop my beans. :D

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
abm! my man! are you going to bbq?i have a qtr oz left of pineapple man.i been saving a bud to smoke with you!its gonna be hay by the time we meet up bro!hahahaha glad your back at it! downloading some pix~brb.

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
here was lastnight. im noticing this new 6 outlet timer with 2 live outlets is sucking my ass!lol i have my exaust on timer on the 2 live outlets which takes up both spaces-so my space heater is cycling with the ex. fan!damn it! im surprised the hps &cfls dont keep the heat up,but its dropping pretty low temps outside rt now.


Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
i moved the taller auto to the lft side because shes reaching for the bulb! yes!there with in 6 inches give or take from the bulb!hahahaa and not burning.i was told keep like 12-16" from the bulb;idk why?lol i think ill start the diy co2 today.(thanx stoner barbie&wvmade)anyone seen these 2 latley?

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
so were expecting rain here,and well,i just noticed the neighbors behind me still have there plant up! was a hugge sativa-that has been rotting away! really nice lookin colas,rotting.they had 3 and left them out thru all the weather.i wish it wasnt so akward to go introduce myself and wake them the fuck up! my god! im sad watching it!hahahahaha

Kottonmouth king15

Well-Known Member
Hahaha!!! These are the neighbors i was talkin about in the beggining of my outdoor thread that watched me hang my motion sensors all over my yard when my plants grew over the fence! I dont know them!