Eating a bunch of Halls


Well-Known Member
Has anybody ever tried eating a whole bag of halls before? I don't know if it would make you hallucinate, but since robitusin does why wouldn't these?
I don't think Halls have much or any dxm in them, but I have done this with a nice bag of red one and it made my mouth slighty numb and tingley
Has anybody ever tried eating a whole bag of halls before? I don't know if it would make you hallucinate, but since robitusin does why wouldn't these?

It won't but eating 8 blister packets of Ex-lax will get you fucked up! God this forum has gone down hill... I feel sorry for the mods..
Do you seriously drink wood cleaner and ammonia?
They are just used in the process of extracting DXM from everything else.... You have apparently never done an A/B extraction before.
Naptha is used in alot of extractions.

The end result is pure DXM. Or when I use it, pure DMT :)
dxm is f'n insane at irresponsible amounts... believe it or not -- the most i ever did was 16 coricidin pills that i washed down with a full bottle of robotussin... i fell asleep 30 minutes later and woke up an hour later in a heavenly hellish reality... words & text will never be enough to describe the kind of world i ended up in.

i would never encourage anyone to experiment with dxm unless you were to get a purified form of it... all that sugar and byproducts/filler material in cough syrup & pills at heavy amounts is horrible for your digestion system.
okay people this what happens to you when your younge naive and dont understand pharmacology

you take a pound of halls thinking your gonna feel something

you take triple C's thinking their okay to take

you take mounds of dxm to have a social time (its a god damn dissociative)

you look for a cheap high

please do responsible people some favor and read up and understand what you are taking before hand'

that goes beyond looking up the effects of the trip

i mean pharmacological interactions with your medication and your body

i mean the stuff that actually matters
They are just used in the process of extracting DXM from everything else.... You have apparently never done an A/B extraction before.
Naptha is used in alot of extractions.

The end result is pure DXM. Or when I use it, pure DMT :)

I didn't read the whole article, I just assumed that you would have to drink some kind of ammonia or naptha. Do you do this exact method?
I didn't read the whole article, I just assumed that you would have to drink some kind of ammonia or naptha. Do you do this exact method?
Why would you assume this? Don't you think you'd have heard about all the people dying if they did that. Just because chemicals are involved doesn't mean it's bad.
I don't know which extraction technique it is but they're all pretty much the same. A/B extractions are really simple. Convert the desired chemical to it's freebase form, then dissolve it in nonpolar solvent, then acidify and collect the salt form of the drug.