Okay, so maybe I am over thinking this but I am f**kin worried. One of two plants were transplanted into some Foxfarm Ocean Forrest soil from the basic Miracle Grow potting mix w/ perlite. When I gently shook the plant loose from it's old pot I noticed that there were a small amount of new roots that did not come with it . I put some Espoma Bio-Tone Starter Plus food down before the plant was placed in the new pot ( this stuff has Mycorrhizae and other bacteria in it that help roots out a lot). I am just seriously worried about the amount of roots that didn't come with the plant. All I can do is keep my eye on it but I am wondering if any of you guys have experienced this before and could tell me what came of it? The plant was watered with 1/2 cup of 6.5 ph water right after transplant was done.