Transplant 911 !!!

Okay, so maybe I am over thinking this but I am f**kin worried. One of two plants were transplanted into some Foxfarm Ocean Forrest soil from the basic Miracle Grow potting mix w/ perlite. When I gently shook the plant loose from it's old pot I noticed that there were a small amount of new roots that did not come with it :sad:. I put some Espoma Bio-Tone Starter Plus food down before the plant was placed in the new pot ( this stuff has Mycorrhizae and other bacteria in it that help roots out a lot). I am just seriously worried about the amount of roots that didn't come with the plant. All I can do is keep my eye on it but I am wondering if any of you guys have experienced this before and could tell me what came of it? The plant was watered with 1/2 cup of 6.5 ph water right after transplant was done.


Well-Known Member
if you only lost part of the roots, don't sweat it. the plant will probably be in shock for a few days. the roots will grow back and then some!


Well-Known Member
how much of the root ball did you lose? I transplanted a plant from a 1gal pot to a 5gal pot and ripped half the root ball off. Just give it time and keep it warm and happy. You wont notice much new growth going on or much growth at all for a week or so while the roots grow to recover enough to support the plant.


Well-Known Member
Okay, so maybe I am over thinking this but I am f**kin worried. One of two plants were transplanted into some Foxfarm Ocean Forrest soil from the basic Miracle Grow potting mix w/ perlite. When I gently shook the plant loose from it's old pot I noticed that there were a small amount of new roots that did not come with it :sad:. I put some Espoma Bio-Tone Starter Plus food down before the plant was placed in the new pot ( this stuff has Mycorrhizae and other bacteria in it that help roots out a lot). I am just seriously worried about the amount of roots that didn't come with the plant. All I can do is keep my eye on it but I am wondering if any of you guys have experienced this before and could tell me what came of it? The plant was watered with 1/2 cup of 6.5 ph water right after transplant was done.
Only 1/2 cup of water tells me these plants are small, had you damaged the root structure considerably you would have noticed signs of shock almost immediately. So, sounds like you're OK. Next time, try sliding the entire medium out of your old in the whole thing. It sounds like you transplanted incorrectly.

Happy growing!


Well-Known Member
If you have willow tree's around where you live, I would make some willow water and give them a little bit of that, it's great for root growth and should help your plant recover in no time.
Thank you so much for your awesome quick replies. They are small plants indeed but the soil I had it in was starting to become a battle for ph so I bought that foxfarm ocean forest stuff and transplanted one of them. It didn't lose a lot of roots, I wouldn't even say half, but it just freaked me out when I saw them in the dirt that was left behind. I have been watching it since I posted the first time and it is still doing well. I foliar sprayed some straight ph adjusted water on the leaves and they are not even drooping now. I feel SOOO much better. That sh*t would have made me cry if I had killed it, lol !