vacuum sealing jars?


Well-Known Member
You can often find cans of it at Bevmo and other stores that focus on wine sales. You can also find it at gas distribution centers (where you would get CO2/welding gas). Spray it in the can, add pot, put on top - it's heavier than air so it'll fall to the bottom till you add the pot at which point it floats on top of the pot displacing the air.


Well-Known Member
inert means it has NO reaction what so ever. Not toxic in anyway.

Typically inert gasses are argon nitrogen mixes. Argon is the third most common gas in the atmosphere and atmospheric nitrogen is the most common gas in the atmosphere.


Vacuum Sealing jars should only be used if you don't want your stash to be smelled. Mason jars make your weed look better, cures it and you can't smell anything if you get the right ones. Mason jars are a cheaper and smarter choice.