hey every body sorry for being gone so long, ive just been busy since the boy was born. he was born on the 29th and was 7 pounds 8 ounces and was very healthy.
nothing is like being a new dad it opened my eyes to a whole new world and now i am more motivated then ever to do right and make a good living.
any way ive been busy getting the coop finished, installing a fire place in the house, and getting jobs lined up for next year. i get layed off in december from my full time job at runnymede farm, then i start back up part time theri from jan-april then it gets back into full time till december again. i will work this job as it is the most stable job, then my old farm manager needs help in spring time on his farm with planting and making beds and installing drip lines, i am also going to talk to a local restraunt that is all organic and see if they will let me farm theri land ( only a half acre) to grow enough veggies for theri restraunt to use so they can stop buying them, i have not yet talked to the owner about it but im sure they will say yes. so i shold be very busy next spring with farm and nursery work, and along side this i will be doing my own garden for my self and also in spring i am thinking of doing no less then 500 plant starts to sell off for my self