Flowering---> Smoke - Journal of my SINGLE "Fruity Loop Kush"!


Well-Known Member
Day 7 of 12/12 and Day 1 of Flowering (first day of visible pistles) @ 5:30pm eastern time.

First I want to apologize for my recent LIST of threads, a new thread name was the ONLY thing that was getting me responses though! :finger: After much studying and much learning throughout this SINGLE SEED/PLANT grow THIS time though - I doubt next time their will be as many questions regarding the grow. Unless something were to go terribly wrong (like everything possible didn't with this one!!! lol). I have a clone of this one under 24/0 right now and another "Afgani Bag Seed" that germinated nicely, it's now planted in a peet moss/ organic soil combo. Nonetheless, this will be my last thread on this particular plant (with daily or bi-daily updates) until I harvest it and can give end results. bongsmilie

So I just got home from work and after waiting for SO LONG (3-4 months veg, 7 days flower) from a BAG'S SEED of "Fruity Loops Kush" (guess the strain starter named it this after first time of smoking - because when you blowout... this shit taste EXACTLY like you just ate a fruity loop! :eyesmoke: ) DANKNESS!!!

Anyways, I had bought an eighth about 3-4 months ago and it was some FIRE (The Fruity Loop of course)! Dude that I bought it from (the grower) said that there were 4 seeds all together found out of a H/P and I was one of the "golden tickets". (the same dude got the other 3) He tried to buy it back from me, but I was determined to grow this seed because of how bushy, small and strong his always were! Plus from looking at his plants, it seems they crop NICELY!

As some of you know, this plant went threw 4 diff transplanting's, took some deficiencies and had all types of stress and problems throughout the beginning (first month or two)! Well after LST'n it and me changing all soil/nutes to organics it turned into an absolute bush in about 3-4 weeks (maybe 5?) all in a 4 gallon bucket, with a rootball like I've never seen before! (could it have been the rooting hormone or superthrive? Who knows?)

But that's the basic story... I'd love if some ppl would subscribe to this thread to see how all of this turns out and get some input here and there! I think you ALL will be surprised at the way these buds look after harvest - it's pretty ridiculous! :lol:

Without further Urdu, (sp?) here's some pics of her.... taken less than 5 mins ago! You can def see she's a SHE now huh!? God this is exciting, this'll be my FIRST, INDOOR harvest in 10 yrs of growing a couple monsters here and there outside!




Well-Known Member
Thank u for the confirmation! Its called "fruity loops kush". My buddy actually grows the thiz strain on a consistent basis, he always takes a clone. Anyways, every plant that I've seen him grow of this strain has always been a short MONSTER! I decided to LST it and fimm it to make it even shorter and "stockier", it is absolutely rediculous how many colas there are, they're EVERYWHERE! Would anyone recommend cutting off some of the fan leaves so that those colas that are hidden in the jungle can get all of the light that they need? I feel like that they are being covered up, (at least some of them) to the point of them not getting any light....

I know how photosynthesis works regarding the leaves and especially the big fan leaves... I just don't know how much vegetation and flower ring have in common regarding the photosynthesis portion of growing medical marijuana...

Any input is highly appreciated! Should I just keep going with the fox farm tiger bloom every 4 days and spray watering in between those 4 days when it seems to dry in there ( under 40 percent humidity)? Again, ANY flower input is greatly appreciated As this will be my first harvest from indoor growing!

YAY! Lol


Well-Known Member
You can cut some fan leaves, just do it sparingly. 30-40% humidity should be just great for flowering. Any questions ask away man. Someone, I'm sure, would be happy to help. You know where he got his "Fruity Loops Kush"?


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys, I appreciate all of your help and continuing to help! I am excited as can bee, because I have a clone of that same plant coming right behind it!


Well-Known Member
The clone is obviously still in a vegetative stage, I have it running on 24 hours of light. I will slowly decrease it to 20 and 4, throughout a vegetative stage. When it gets mature enough it will go into flowering just like this 1.... only 1 could hope!


Well-Known Member
Here's a pic of her at about 1pm today, after being in flowering for 2 days (I start counting flowering once sex is shown - not when I turn it to 12/12 - if that were the case I'd be at 8 weeks). They weren't BS'n when they said this thing would double or triple in size once I mocked fall/winter!!! It's getting out of control! Will have better updates in the near future and more pics, sorry been busy. Check this out in the meantime...




Well-Known Member
Haha its a veg box.... this plant is not in it. Goto the sub forum about undercover grow boxes and I made a how to


Well-Known Member
Day 3 of flowering!!! Update, these are the ones I didn't have time to do yesterday... figured I'd snap some today to let yall take a glance!

Any thoughts??


Well-Known Member
Oh and is there a reason the leaves are changing to a darker color? Almost purplish..... ? When these were snapped (the photos), the plant was VERY thirsty and the leaves were drooping a bit - prob a bad time to show off my plant! She got a good dose of her vitamens and minerals today though and ATE IT UP! I'll show yall with pictures tomorrow! I have to mist this thing constantly it seems like, maybe I won't as much now that it's on ALL "Daylight CFL's" (blue tint). Don't know if that has anything to do with that PARTICULAR subject but just sayin... I also got all correct "Soft White" bulbs for my veg box today. It's coming along nicely, if I could only keep my roomates off my ass now, about "disrespecting the house". W/e they'll get over it, my money helps pay the mortgage!


Well-Known Member
**Update - DAY 5 OF FLOWERING**

Everything looks extraordinary today, atleast I think so! I'm really starting to see the colas and where my buds are going to be, it looks like there's going to be a decent yield on this one. Of some gooooood sticky icky!! :) Just watered again today, also seems like this thing is SUCKING UP the water like CRAZY! The tips of some of the fan leaves are crispy, but nothing for me to be concerned about I don't think. It's just from where She grew into the BIG (300 watt equivalent) and the big leaves were touching her! My whole house is starting to smell like bud though, not good.... and I live in a 3 BR, 3300 sq ft house!!! This lil plant is IN A SEALED OFF BOX, IN A CLOSET and is stinking up my LIVING ROOM!! But than again, the fans ARE just blowing all that delicious dankness smell right into my bedroom (during light hours atleast)

Anyways, here's some updated pics, taken about 20 mins ago... after the lights being on for about 5-6 hrs. (halfway threw the day) She WAS fed though, at 6am this morning.... drool, go ahead! lol



Active Member
plant looks very very nice..... you went CFL the whole way? bad ass.,.... gives me nice hope for mine.


Well-Known Member
Yup CFL's all the way! Follow the grow, you can do a lot with cfls if you use them right! I've got a veg box and a flower box, this is obviously the flower box. Anyways, use "soft whites" for vegging and "daylights" for flowering. They respond well to the soft whites (blueish tint) during veg. Any questions, just ask and I'll try to help - i try to like study this shit! lol... just PM me or ask on here!