why is this ???


Active Member
so i went up to water my plants , last time i watered was 3 days ago, but this time when i went to water i just gave them a little drop and water started leaking out the bottom holes. this happened with 4 out of my 5 plants, any ideas why this is? there usually dying for a drink after 3 days, i usually water every 2 days and they take the water no problem until now


Well-Known Member
when you ask a question give more details...i.e. wtf you are growing in, how old, size of pots, water used, nutrients etc, etc, etc...give pictures...

You growing plants in dixie cups feeding it grape juice? :D


Active Member
didnt think nutrients would matter n theres not much point of me putting up a pick of the soil, but anyway been told i let them dry out a tad too much so its kl i got my answer


Well-Known Member
didnt think nutrients would matter n theres not much point of me putting up a pick of the soil, but anyway been told i let them dry out a tad too much so its kl i got my answer
the way you explained it what first came into my head was the soil was still wet when you watered it :D

And yes a picture of your soil would have been nice ;)

If you overdry your soil(I do it alot), I just splash some water around a bit on top to let it soak it up a bit first...then water it a few minutes later :)


Active Member
ye the plant was taking a while to suck the water in , and after i gave it just a little bit it started pissing out the bottom. so the plants probz sucked it up now so i mite pop back up and water them again, hope it duznt just start shooting out the bottom again


Well-Known Member
Yup, water slow at first or it just beads up and pours over the sides of the soil and straight out the holes. :)


Well-Known Member
Yup, water slow at first or it just beads up and pours over the sides of the soil and straight out the holes. :)
better yet soak the whole root ball by plunging the pot under water in a tub of warm water till it stops bubbling, then let it drain out and place back under the lights.


Active Member
ye the plant was taking a while to suck the water in , and after i gave it just a little bit it started pissing out the bottom. so the plants probz sucked it up now so i mite pop back up and water them again, hope it duznt just start shooting out the bottom again
You can soak your pots to make sure the soil is drenched, just be sure to have good drainage. I use the water from the bottom water pots and leave some water in the reservoir for a few hours. It wicks up the water and helps eliminate dry spots. I still water from the top, this is just extra. If your medium because too dry the water will leak around the sides and run out of the bottom without hitting the center.