Mercury X valley ogs 1000hps veg & flower in coco


Well-Known Member
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couple guys have been buggin me about starting a journal. lol. no names BKB & Billcollector.

started veg 7 weeks ago tomorrow. H&G roots excelerator first 3 weeks or so. started cutting edge for the first month of vegg then switched to X-nutrients with pretty bangin growth since the change. more cost effective. way cheaper. doesnt break the bank and decent reviews from growers so far. gonna try it. going to water in the morning and change the timers. pics as of an hour ago. flowering day 1 stars tomorrow with pics every feeding hopefully as long as i dont get high and lose my camara. lol. bastard.:evil:

feel free to comment. :weed:
Here's your ladies



Well-Known Member
Plants look great, you got tons of room in there.....when are you going to fill that grow room up???




Well-Known Member
IMG_0146.jpgfuck hey guys tell me what this is. looks lioke a nut with a pistol coming out of it. kinda strange hoping its new growth. its on the right side of the stalk.


Well-Known Member
That's some straight up David Copperfield shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

lol, but on a serious note, Does look like a pollen sac throwing out a pistil. Keep on eye on it and pluck if need be. If more start showing up, then a Lady Gaga is gonna make an entrance.


Well-Known Member
Yo, my merc showed nuts too.. i have heard reports from other people growing the same beans with the same results as well!!

If you want to invest in something, Dutch Masters Reverse should stop the ball forming from what i have heard.


Well-Known Member
So is it safe to say I should chuck these Mercury beans? Damn I was really looking forward to seeing them finish. What's worse is that all my BG Special clones got tossed cause I didn't vent the dome and it was nasty in there. I got clones that are flowering if you want but you will have to reveg them. Not sure you want to waste time revegging....


Well-Known Member
nah bc has some stuff for me. thanks tho brotha. gonna post some pictures later. the roots took over that whole three gallon in was in. solid as hell. tried to break it up but iys like the coco just dissapeared. lol. im gonna get that dutchmaster reverse stuff for this one plant then who knows. depending on how it does i might toss those other beans.


Well-Known Member
If you want my honest opinion, I would just chuck those beans. Now you have to spend money in the Reverse shit n you still won't know if it will work. I don't like wasting time or money on strains that aren't stable. Like I said before it my opinion only bro.




Well-Known Member
i have decided to murder that other mercury and just start over. it started doing the same shit to me. ill post some pictures of it later on after i beat the hell out of it with my novelty padres baseball bat. :)