The UK Growers Thread!

Should have said those two were my first from autopots, can't really comment but i've an exo in the autopots still going so i'll easily be able to pass a verdict on what i like :) Cloned up a couple of BSB x casey earlier from the lower branches of the big scrog, figure i might as well cram the cupboard with every tote i can fit in there :D Don't like the idea of everything resting on one scrog, wouldn't mind a couple side plants just to guarantee a handful of ounces themselves.
View attachment 1885579View attachment 1885577View attachment 1885574 Bubbachurch, this is a cross between a male the church from GHSC and a female bubblegum from serious seeds. got about 40 seeds off 2 plants and these are my first grow with them. i had them on a 2 1/2 weeks veg of 16/8 and now put them on 12/12. they started to produce stigmas within 1day. they are 4 weeks old and are looking so healthy!! wot ya think peeps?

looking great mate , i bet those crosses will be great , bubblegum is always a winner and the church is a really good smoke aswell ... :) +rep
There is Dura making sick or racist jokes, and then there is bang out of order. You're not going to stay on my good side with posts like that.
Get in TT!! The colours on her are lovely........had me roast and now this, keep it up tt gona light a cheese joint now lol, i gota find a cheap camera to show ya the 2 tents i got setup in the shed......insulated, wire buried and protected from house to shed, i cant wait to pop some beans and get going. Read about your glass blowing/ arm burning class sounds good apart from melting yourself lol.
fucking moany bastard i told ya many times to just read read read and research research research, asking question on any weed forum most the time your get many different answers and solutions and half or most are wrong, u carnt expect loads of help how many people do u fink are asking the same questions over n over, the people who been on the site a long time carnt be fucking arsed to answer the same old post a million fucking times.

i told ya many times to just READ the site research hard.
don't patranize me fat bastard, research, Ive dun that day in day out, and if I took notice of all thats said I'd need a fucking lorry load of nutes and perhaps you are giving the wrong advice if people keep asking the same questions, and can't be arsed, might do you some good to get off it now and then, I didnt ask you anyway, I was asking the intelegent ones on here, a few have at least answered me politely instead of slagging me off compareing me to a yank, I find very offensive, and think you should apologise to me, if you are man enough
don't patranize me fat bastard, research, Ive dun that day in day out, and if I took notice of all thats said I'd need a fucking lorry load of nutes and perhaps you are giving the wrong advice if people keep asking the same questions, and can't be arsed, might do you some good to get off it now and then, I didnt ask you anyway, I was asking the intelegent ones on here, a few have at least answered me politely instead of slagging me off compareing me to a yank, I find very offensive, and think you should apologise to me, if you are man enough

SAmbo got told !! pmsl ;)
thats a seriously sexy plant mate...nice work pal..
Black rose and a BSB x Casey both seeded up with black rose.

BR (not a big plant lol, but should be plenty of seeds to go around.



and the BSB didn't get long enough for her colours to come through ut this is some of it's potential :D (seeding seemed to stunt the colour appearance, the balck rose was greenish up until the last few days)


Seeds galore.
Do'nt he get told then? I'm gonner chop anyway so don't need advice, now on ripen for 2weeks then will put them out of thier misery, View attachment 1885830got these 6 ready and waiting to go, will be asking some advice,

We all have to tell him otherwise nothing would get done !
Sounds like you know him well anyway with the fat lazy bastard comments lol ;)
whats the new cuts ? livers or something new ?
don't patranize me fat bastard, research, Ive dun that day in day out, and if I took notice of all thats said I'd need a fucking lorry load of nutes and perhaps you are giving the wrong advice if people keep asking the same questions, and can't be arsed, might do you some good to get off it now and then, I didnt ask you anyway, I was asking the intelegent ones on here, a few have at least answered me politely instead of slagging me off compareing me to a yank, I find very offensive, and think you should apologise to me, if you are man enough

welcome to the uk thread thats more like it, much better than your moaning like a bitch.....
We all have to tell him otherwise nothing would get done !
Sounds like you know him well anyway with the fat lazy bastard comments lol ;)
whats the new cuts ? livers or something new ?
livers pshycosis exo, and one pshycosis, just looked at the pic on profile anyone with a brain , would'nt put a holiday snap on thier profile would they? . Anyway gonner be putting them babys in the big house in 3weeks , and don't want to fuck up this time, been researching and these need minimal nutes, not that full bb chart shit, makes sense to me , less is best, if they need a bit of something put it in , once in can't take it out, and damage is done .
I'm not talking about the shit , I'm talking about compareing me to to a yank, No comparrison , I'm fucking English thats thouroghbred not a bastard race , the true american was wiped out