Downtown Kelowna store takes down controversial display

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
They even put baggies of fake coke hanging from the tree next to the deer. What about inappropriate don't you understand? Just because you can, doesn't mean you should. It was in a small town in BC. The people of the town made enough of a fuss that the manager took it down before the owner came back.

It's stuff like this that makes decriminalizing/legalization MJ even harder.


Active Member
some are just on a different page to what matters is all seems like. just hope non of them end up running our country or we`d all have to put up with that type of stuff.
out of all the places i posted that. this is the only site that thought it was ok..kinda tells me something about some mentalities and ages here

Total Head

Well-Known Member
some are just on a different page to what matters is all seems like. just hope non of them end up running our country or we`d all have to put up with that type of stuff.
out of all the places i posted that. this is the only site that thought it was ok..kinda tells me something about some mentalities and ages here

out of curiosity, what were the themes of some of the other sites? and what do you mean by them "running the country and we'd all have to put up with that type of stuff"? it's my understanding that canada has free speech, although it's not absolute. it seems to me that the people made themselves heard, the display was taken down, everyone moved on. i think the law worked the way it is supposed to. are you suggesting some sort of specific ban on public displays? do you want every single solitary public display to be scrutinized by a board of old grayhairs first? i really don't understand all the fuss.


Well-Known Member
out of curiosity, what were the themes of some of the other sites? and what do you mean by them "running the country and we'd all have to put up with that type of stuff"? it's my understanding that canada has free speech, although it's not absolute. it seems to me that the people made themselves heard, the display was taken down, everyone moved on. i think the law worked the way it is supposed to. are you suggesting some sort of specific ban on public displays? do you want every single solitary public display to be scrutinized by a board of old grayhairs first? i really don't understand all the fuss.
No,wait, what?? old grayhairs?? I'll take no offence to that LOL.
Actualy what he was trying to point out to you and every one eles thats posted here is that he's better that you. lol.


Active Member
out of curiosity, what were the themes of some of the other sites? and what do you mean by them "running the country and we'd all have to put up with that type of stuff"? it's my understanding that canada has free speech, although it's not absolute. it seems to me that the people made themselves heard, the display was taken down, everyone moved on. i think the law worked the way it is supposed to. are you suggesting some sort of specific ban on public displays? do you want every single solitary public display to be scrutinized by a board of old grayhairs first? i really don't understand all the fuss.

pot themes. one i own and others. buddies blogs. does it matter. they where all real life human beings. site content should effect our mentality.. and yes i see a few to many go to far with the free speech your not even on same page if you think it had anything to do with displays all together, to me just to many concerned about themselves and not what others feel. dosent always have to do with kids either. as an ex addict here i found if a joke...and i wasnt a little kid seeing a window display to fall into that crap life long ago. adults can be effected to. but as long as it isnt you..(no offence) then its seems its ok. to much selfishness in this world these days and seems to get worse all the time, greed and selfish

Total Head

Well-Known Member
pot themes. one i own and others. buddies blogs. does it matter. they where all real life human beings. site content should effect our mentality.. and yes i see a few to many go to far with the free speech your not even on same page if you think it had anything to do with displays all together, to me just to many concerned about themselves and not what others feel. dosent always have to do with kids either. as an ex addict here i found if a joke...and i wasnt a little kid seeing a window display to fall into that crap life long ago. adults can be effected to. but as long as it isnt you..(no offence) then its seems its ok. to much selfishness in this world these days and seems to get worse all the time, greed and selfish
the reason i asked about the themes is because there are certain types of themes that stereotypically attract certain types of people. pot sites are pretty diverse so i'm surprised at what you observed, particularly if the site was american in majority. i realize the incident occured in canada but most americans take the first amendment very seriously until they come across something they don't like, which is sort of the point. freedom of speech (in america anyway) is about not allowing people to have their way by censoring another viewpoint or idea because it strikes them as "unseemly". in this particular canadian case, it appears the majority was displeased with the display and it was abriptly taken down, which is why i don't understand what the problem is. look at all the good that came of it. people in that community made their voice heard and drew a line that didn't exist before; they were represented. complete strangers are discussing it and bringing up interesting points to one another. a bunch of parents probably had a much needed chat with the kids. if it was a bloody gore scene (disturbing in any context, unlike the store display), i might have a different viewpoint. i honestly see nothing but positive from the way it actually played out.


Well-Known Member
don't they set up BLOODY MURDER scenes for CHILDREN during the HALLOWEEN holiday?

no wonder we have so many killers out there. ;)



Active Member
all i see a bunch of insults by a few here not a conversation., its either we agree with the likers or were trying to be better than others..rediculous thought pattern and obvious nothing will make some see both sides.
i dont see 1 bit of good to it.. guys going to most lilkly loose the business due to own poor tatse, sure. and the girls is probably going to be out of work right at xmas time for her. shes emmbarrased now to the whole community. now when people see her go out everyone will be the typical ..."look it the grisl with coke display, how sad" she must be a junkie". theres 2 sides to every ending.
maybe as said earlier in a head shop where most dont bring families to shop that might not like it. then theres the fact he runs a bussiness and there are laws. it effects other stores or could. maybe some wont even go anywhere near that area now..;who knows where some peoples heads go
just thought it was funny to see so many more concerned how it effects them over others. or even have a care what others would think. is that the american way? me me me me...i see thhat alot down there.
nothing wrong with freedom of speech. but for good. i still call this good. maybe its the colder weather and our igloos we live in or something, keeps a clearer head to think

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
The poor cocaine is just sitting there. It didn't ask you to shove it up your noes... I think cocaine is the real victim here. :)