Downtown Kelowna store takes down controversial display


Well-Known Member
I was told back when I was a Child...
A Child is to be seen and not heard!
That was my first warning that if I didn't shut up I was gonna get a ass whipping.


New Member
And they probably did it cause of Rudolphs red nose lol.Light the way for santa my ass,Rudolph was snorting lines off Mrs. Clause before he went out that night.that's how the old red nose reindeer story really went down
Your avatar discusts me....
How can anyone put that up as their avatar?
It just makes me sick...
What if my son saw that?How would I explain that?


Well-Known Member
^Right? Sadly, its cause of people like you. This has been such a pathetic thread i'm just gonna shake my head and leave now.


Active Member
i think there are plenty of things a lot more "disturbing" than a fake reindeer ready to snort some lines
in my opinion anybody is free to show whatever the fuck they want

sorry but im on fdd's side
you can't control whatever your kid might see
teaching him how to deal with the world is what parenting is about
not trying to control everything he sees
its not like your kid will turn into a coke snorting santa claus just because he saw that freakin' display
think about how many people would consider a marijuana leaf sticker on a window or bumper to be offensive

his decision was more than dumb
but he is on his own right
if he wants to loose clients then let him be

plus, in the very end, anything will be legal, all drugs, couples of any sex, marrying whatever you want, abortion, etc. maybe later there won't be any law at all
that's when you as a parent must empower your kids to deal with that, not to keep them in a bubble of righteousness


Well-Known Member
could have been a history on coke somewherre laying aread with pics of the plant to let kids no its not harmfull unless you snort it. idiot yes tastless not so much, funny damn right


Well-Known Member
I'd be all for it as an art installation. A little satirical dark humor. I love that kind of stuff- stuff that makes you think 'cool, did they really let them go ahead with that?!'

But not in a christmas shopping display. It's sad enough what Christmas has become and as enough people have said already... the kids... Most little children are stupid. They do try and copy everything they see. The smart ones ask too many questions, then end up doing what they see XP

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Store owner Steve Johns was in Mexico when CHBC News went into the store to inquire about the display.
Maybe he's a cocaine dealer and it's advertisement? I think it's in poor taste but not worthy of all the outrage being generated. When I was a kid all I heard was, "I'll tell you when you're older." To this day there is shit I want to know and I'm still not old enough. :evil:


Well-Known Member
You guys that are against this sign and talking about how ridiculous it is, you realize that there are people that look at you and your dope smoking and say and feel the exact same way you feel about the deer snortin coke.

I think both of you are idiots (store owner and those against it), stfu and let it be, now the whole world sees it because you made such a big deal over it rather than just a few passerbyers.

And the children, oh what about the children? Thats what their parents/guardians are for, so when they see shit like that it can be used as a valuable learning moment. You people hiding your children from the world are not teaching them anything and you are only sheltering them. What happens when they leave the shelter and realize how fucked up the world is, and you didn't do a damn thing to prepare them for it?

The whole "drugs are bad" approach has never worked and never will. Show them what coke is, show them how much fun it can be, then show them the reality of how fucked up it can be (and when I say show them, I don't mean snort the shit with them, educate them in some way is what I meant). Don't just tell them how fucked up it can be and leave out why people do it (the high, the experiance) or their own amazement and wonder will lead them right towards it simply because you didn't tell them about it and they are curious. Thats why I smoked pot for the first time, is because no adults that I respected would give me a straight answer on what it would do to me other than "ruin my life", they kept dodging me with the drugs are bad crap and hiding me from it. I didn't want to be a pot smoker but I wanted to know. That was over 20 years ago, but lucky for me, pot isn't all that bad.