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Well-Known Member
How long until you normally see new vegetative growth from transplanted clones? I put mine in on Wednesday night, and hoping to see something pretty soon here. Is it normally a week or so?


Well-Known Member
How long until you normally see new vegetative growth from transplanted clones? I put mine in on Wednesday night, and hoping to see something pretty soon here. Is it normally a week or so?
yeah, the first week after u transplant rooted clones they are mostly working down below. You should have decent growth week 2 and then really takes off after that.


Well-Known Member
i use house and garden root excel (i used to use canna rhizo) for my aero cloner, I'm thinking this round from the cloner to the titan ebbNgro im gonna do the same tech. it works like a charm to make clones. Simple: let your mother (in this case just a clone after transplant I'm guessing) get a little thirsty and you foiler feed with the hormone (roots excel or rhizo). I have found foiler feeding the rooting hormone right before cloning jumps my root growth up by days (48-72 i'll see root formation on stalks).. My first attempt with the titan, i didn't do this and for sure had a week of seemed like stunted growth..

just my .02 experiment


Well-Known Member
i forget to put cloning gell and my clones still grow, i think its all about the fresh air humidity ratio... maybe not but as long as mine are in a humid place with some air circulation they always make it .


Rebel From The North
Well after a couple days in the ebb im not impressed with the grow rock! It drys out way to fast, had 2 girl just up and wilt
Bad so I went from x3 floods during lights out to x4 during lights out and x1 at night, hope those to pull through :(
Cut a bunch of clones :) and they look good. Il get pics up asap!!
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