lolwtf weed


ahh, ( i just googled brick weed) haha i guess it kinda does, but around the edges there are like no purple marks at all thats why it stood out to me the most


Well-Known Member
or someone put some food dye in their water to try and get their low grade stuff to look like crazy good stuff to jack up the price.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
my nutrients are red. they will stain the kitchen counter. my buds aren't red.
some people cut the plant and stick the stem in food coloring and the plant will supposedly soak up some of the color. i don't know if that really works and i don't much care because that's gross. the pic in the first post does look artificially dyed somehow just based on the quality of it.


Active Member
some people cut the plant and stick the stem in food coloring and the plant will supposedly soak up some of the color. i don't know if that really works and i don't much care because that's gross. the pic in the first post does look artificially dyed somehow just based on the quality of it.
its been done by someone on this forum,im not sure who but i think fdd?

tooka lower branch off,put it in a party cup with food coloring and it turned the bud some kind of aqua color..

but it is not smoke-able bud..way too harsh on 1st hit,2nd hit isnt even on the list lol

jammin screw

Well-Known Member
Someone candy painted some Reggie... Lol... Kushed out haah... if I had a pic like that it would look beautiful... I had some Reggie that looked like that when I was little, little purple but if I had kush that was outdoor it would look 30 times better then that... Someone was on photoshop paintin a shitty dream