1st time aero grow some help needed


Well-Known Member
hey guys i have been growing in soil for over a year now and well i wanted to go aero. i have got an amazon aeroponics system 2 of. one in veg and one in flower

both on a 15 on 15 off cycle timer at the minute only because i dont know where to get a uk plug smaller timed timer from

i have a tent for my flower room which has a 600w hps light in with a extractor takeing the heat out

in my veg room i was just useing fluro's but i feel they dont seem to get much out of the light so i have now just started useing a 600w hps light on for 12 hours with a fluro light also on for 20 hours so it doesnt go into flower

i am useing biobizz grow for veg

in flower i am useing biobizz bloom with topmax

keeping my ph about 6

the leaves started to go a bit yellow too so i have added a bit more bio bizz grow

how am i doing?

also my new small cuttings which are in veg look a little bit pale have a look and tell me what you think thanks



Well-Known Member
It all looks pretty good except that last pic. I don't grow aero, but I'm pretty sure the roots shouldn't be brown like that.


Well-Known Member
It all looks pretty good except that last pic. I don't grow aero, but I'm pretty sure the roots shouldn't be brown like that.
Yea im pritty concernd about the roots that is why i took a picture of them dont know why there looking like that. Was hoping someone could help us on that one

Do you think my neutes are ok. Im thinking of looking for new veg neuts

Not sure what to get though


Well-Known Member
What is your water source and water temp?

Looks like you have N and/or mineral deficiency. Try supplementing with calmag.


Well-Known Member
What is your water source and water temp?

Looks like you have N and/or mineral deficiency. Try supplementing with calmag.
Ive always used tap water and its at room temp. I dont have it heated.

What neuts would you recomend aswell?


Well-Known Member
Ive always used tap water and its at room temp. I dont have it heated.

What neuts would you recomend aswell?
I've only used General Hydroponics and Advanced Nutrients. Both work well.

Do you have a clean tap source? What's the ppm of your straight tap? What is your room temperature?

Nutrient solution should be kept under 75f at all times. 68f is ideal. You gotta keep that solution cold or you could get root rot. There must be plenty of dissolved oxygen in your fluid as well.


Well-Known Member
I've only used General Hydroponics and Advanced Nutrients. Both work well.

Do you have a clean tap source? What's the ppm of your straight tap? What is your room temperature?

Nutrient solution should be kept under 75f at all times. 68f is ideal. You gotta keep that solution cold or you could get root rot. There must be plenty of dissolved oxygen in your fluid as well.
how do i keep my solution cold then? might be why the roots are like that then. it did seem rather warm the water

i have an air stone in my water aswell

yes clean tap source. when i use my ppm it doesnt read. only reads when the solution is mixed. then i know what it is

room temp is about 80 deg when lights are on and when off it drops to 65 degrees


Well-Known Member
the brown roots are from you lifting up he roots to look at them I got an aero setup and the same thing happened to me I stoped looking at them so much and it cleared up right away
I'm running Aero, in week 5 of flower. That happened to me once, My PPM's were WAY TOO HIGH, they were at 1700+ when my leafs got yellow and some brown like yours. Usually I keep my PPms at 1550 (during the last weeks of flower, before flush). What are your PPM's??? If you havent run Aero before that is very important. If youre not sure you should dump all of the water out of your system ASAP and start over with RO water, add Nuets and measure moving forward. You can pick up a stick to measure your ppm's for as cheap as 20/30 bucks (your local hydro store will know what you need). Aslo if youre running Tap water it could do that, the CHLORINE in Tap Water is toxic to the girls. I went through a HUGE learning curve with my Aero system so If you think I can help at all please feel free to PM me. MY current system is actually more like an Aero/EBB system but its the same idea

All the Best,
- KKushKush
I agree, light on the roots is bad!!!!! thats why black buckets are best also some Nuets can turn roots from white to a brownish color, Calmag is one I can think of off the top of my head


Well-Known Member
hey guys i have been growing in soil for over a year now and well i wanted to go aero. i have got an amazon aeroponics system 2 of. one in veg and one in flower

both on a 15 on 15 off cycle timer at the minute only because i dont know where to get a uk plug smaller timed timer from

i have a tent for my flower room which has a 600w hps light in with a extractor takeing the heat out

in my veg room i was just useing fluro's but i feel they dont seem to get much out of the light so i have now just started useing a 600w hps light on for 12 hours with a fluro light also on for 20 hours so it doesnt go into flower

i am useing biobizz grow for veg

in flower i am useing biobizz bloom with topmax

keeping my ph about 6

the leaves started to go a bit yellow too so i have added a bit more bio bizz grow

how am i doing?

also my new small cuttings which are in veg look a little bit pale have a look and tell me what you think thanks
roots look nasty. add some kind of beneficial bacteria. will help whiten the roots and keep the water from getting all nasty. algie can kill plants. black slime eats algie. black slime will kill ur plants in days before u even noticed it would be too late. i know ive had it happen. add beneficial bacteria to the water it will eat the algie and make the roots perk back up. most people dont know this but algie eats the nutrients in the water. it helps them thrive along with warmer water temps. the roots are covered in it. which is why they are looking pale in my opinion. the algie is eating any nutrients that ur water has in it. check ur ph and res temps too. the cooler the better. the ph is best between 5.5 and 6.5. also it may be a good idea to start using h202 regularly to keep algie at bay but remember the h202 will kill all the beneficial bacteria so add it towards the end of the cycle before u change the res water about a day or so before and flush the root system with ph water to help get most of the slime off before adding the bacteria to ur resovoir.


Well-Known Member
the brown roots are from you lifting up he roots to look at them I got an aero setup and the same thing happened to me I stoped looking at them so much and it cleared up right away
if u do this at this point in the plants life the way it is u will kill them within a week.

also frozen water bottles help lower res temps but only lasts about two hours max. helps during the hottest point of day.


Well-Known Member
I'm running Aero, in week 5 of flower. That happened to me once, My PPM's were WAY TOO HIGH, they were at 1700+ when my leafs got yellow and some brown like yours. Usually I keep my PPms at 1550 (during the last weeks of flower, before flush). What are your PPM's??? If you havent run Aero before that is very important. If youre not sure you should dump all of the water out of your system ASAP and start over with RO water, add Nuets and measure moving forward. You can pick up a stick to measure your ppm's for as cheap as 20/30 bucks (your local hydro store will know what you need). Aslo if youre running Tap water it could do that, the CHLORINE in Tap Water is toxic to the girls. I went through a HUGE learning curve with my Aero system so If you think I can help at all please feel free to PM me. MY current system is actually more like an Aero/EBB system but its the same idea

All the Best,
- KKushKush
Yes i will pm you for help then. I have a ppm stick but not 100% on how to properly use it. It has on one side it has x700 and on the other side x500. What side do use to work my reading out? It flashes on the 600 if im on going off the x500 ppm reading. So i take it will be 600ppm. Im in week 4 of flower at the minute should i up it a bit more. Also should i still be useing neuts i use in veg in flower? Because when i was growing in soil i stopped them when i went into flower

Yes i use tap water


Well-Known Member
if u do this at this point in the plants life the way it is u will kill them within a week.

also frozen water bottles help lower res temps but only lasts about two hours max. helps during the hottest point of day.
I dont really look at the roots in all fairness every few days just for like a few seconds to see if they are comeing on. The water in the system doesnt seem to be stupidly hot just a little warm id say but i will figure a way to try keep the temp down in it. A few frozen bottles

Blunt Master Flex

Active Member
It's not from looking at the roots, it root rot from your res being 80 degrees. Frozen gallons of water will work for a little longer than bottles, but the only other thing you can do is get a water chiller and they are expensive. I saw a post about adding bennies though, that will help. But you have got to find a way to keep your res around 70 degrees.


Well-Known Member
It's not from looking at the roots, it root rot from your res being 80 degrees. Frozen gallons of water will work for a little longer than bottles, but the only other thing you can do is get a water chiller and they are expensive. I saw a post about adding bennies though, that will help. But you have got to find a way to keep your res around 70 degrees.
Yes i will find out how hot it is at the hottest point of the next day and i will figure something out. I dont think it is that hot not 80degrees anyway. Thanks for the info guys anyway

Blunt Master Flex

Active Member
Well if your room gets up to 80, then your res gets right around there too. I just looked at your pics, the black res attracts a lot of heat you should cover it with panda film (white side up) or better yet reflective material (as they let less light in). There is not a doubt in my mind that you are dealing with root rot, which is caused by high res temps. Having high res temp provides a favorable environment for bad bacteria.
Check this thread out, it's a bunch of reading, but this guy REALLY knows his stuff. This thread is more about how to stop brown algae, but it will help you a lot too!


Well-Known Member
Well if your room gets up to 80, then your res gets right around there too. I just looked at your pics, the black res attracts a lot of heat you should cover it with panda film (white side up) or better yet reflective material (as they let less light in). There is not a doubt in my mind that you are dealing with root rot, which is caused by high res temps. Having high res temp provides a favorable environment for bad bacteria.
Check this thread out, it's a bunch of reading, but this guy REALLY knows his stuff. This thread is more about how to stop brown algae, but it will help you a lot too!
Ok thanks for that. Yea it is pritty warm my res. i have just gone back onto flouro's for the ones in veg as the 600w light was makeing that pritty warm and as for the ones in flower i have got a fan on it constantly and im going to cover it to reflect the heat

Am i also reading my ppm stick correctly? I mentiond it a few threads befor about what side do i use the x500 or the x700. I have been going off the x 500 and im in week 4 of flower and it flashes on 600 so that will be correct right? Should i be a little higher now with my neuts?

I tend to keep my ph at 6