Skyrim Is The Shit.


Well-Known Member
I'm lost in it, there's too much to do and no clear path what to do next. Just wandering around killing shit and doing little favors./quests for people

Capt. Stickyfingers

Well-Known Member
I'm lost in it, there's too much to do and no clear path what to do next. Just wandering around killing shit and doing little favors./quests for people
I love that feeling in a game when it's so big and new, you get lost in it. Enjoy it while it lasts. Before you know it, the whole map will be memorized and the mystery/excitement will wear off.

Jakabok Botch

Well-Known Member
I love that feeling in a game when it's so big and new, you get lost in it. Enjoy it while it lasts. Before you know it, the whole map will be memorized and the mystery/excitement will wear off.
.....yep thats how oblivion and fallout went lol....really fast...really fun.....then dead stop.....

Steve French

Well-Known Member
Another product of the hype machine. I'm about to give up on new games(or rather new ones with a number somewhere in the title). They are always so disappointing after the build up they get. What happened to the good ole days of the N64 when series stopped after "2" and games were fun and original. I have to wonder if it is really so great or people have just been told that so much that they start to believe it.

Jakabok Botch

Well-Known Member
Another product of the hype machine. I'm about to give up on new games(or rather new ones with a number somewhere in the title). They are always so disappointing after the build up they get. What happened to the good ole days of the N64 when series stopped after "2" and games were fun and original. I have to wonder if it is really so great or people have just been told that so much that they start to believe it.
best game EVER!!


Jakabok Botch

Well-Known Member
I still have my original copy. :D They butchered it on the Game Cube.
me too lol....every time we have a party we bust out the tedi warfare was xbox- microsoft ownes the name (conker: live and 1st game to get eaten by a 360 lol) but yes they ruined it...they censored it and cut quite a bit out...

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
My favorite multiplayer game. :D Raptor is fun with two players on the Caveman side and 1 on the Raptor side. 2 Computers to the Caveman and 1 to the Raptor.

Who could forget the Sunflower and Jugga. x)


Well-Known Member
it is a dissapointment in my eyes :(
same as the old game , just new skins and dragons
The plot seems a lot better so far IMO, and magic use is much improved and more balanced as well. The thing is, with a game so massive they focused on the plot, layout and gameplay a lot more than graphics... My only real complaint about the game is that it's buggy at times, but games from Bethesda are almost always buggy.

Example: If you feel like being a total fag, go join the companions and when the dude takes you outside for a duel use magic instead of your sword; You can repeat this forever really, if you really want to... and end up with 100 destruction. I didn't (although since I was at 45 destruction anyway I did it to 50 for the perks lol). Be prepared to hear "We dont use magic around here... Now, come at me!" 50 thousand times.

Also, my dude is level 11 (will probably be 12 or 13 tonight if I get a chance to play)... How about you guys? What kind of builds are you doing? I'm doing a sneaky assassin type battlemage w/ light armor and sneak skills instead of heavy armor and whatnot.

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
The plot seems a lot better so far IMO, and magic use is much improved and more balanced as well. The thing is, with a game so massive they focused on the plot, layout and gameplay a lot more than graphics... My only real complaint about the game is that it's buggy at times, but games from Bethesda are almost always buggy.

Example: If you feel like being a total fag, go join the companions and when the dude takes you outside for a duel use magic instead of your sword; You can repeat this forever really, if you really want to... and end up with 100 destruction. I didn't (although since I was at 45 destruction anyway I did it to 50 for the perks lol). Be prepared to hear "We dont use magic around here... Now, come at me!" 50 thousand times.

Also, my dude is level 11 (will probably be 12 or 13 tonight if I get a chance to play)... How about you guys? What kind of builds are you doing? I'm doing a sneaky assassin type battlemage w/ light armor and sneak skills instead of heavy armor and whatnot.
World of Warcraft for a home system.