Writing lyrics.


Well-Known Member
Always been my weakness. Or so it seems. I keep trying to do it, but its like I feel like an ignorant asshole getting too wordy.. But really that statement in itself makes me an ignorant asshole.. Lol anyways, I just suck. Is there some odd technique? I kinda just get really messed up on dxm and hide rediculous things behind metaphors that are coincidentally rediculous.. Its my thing. But really its kinda sad I could write a real lyric without drawing cocks all over it..

Is it immaturity or what? lol I cant be that immature :(

The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
Sometimes its spontaneous creation...but a lot of the times its hard work and dedication. Even if something sounds fucking too stupid to have come from your own hand, keep going with it and then re-work it...and then re-work it again...

I used to keep a pocket spiral notebook on me at all times to write down the stuff that would come to me throughout the day...

I just dont write much anymore.


Well-Known Member
I would do it.. the pocketbook.. I just really dont have the determination.. I'm not really the writing type, the whole editor fantasy that everyone has at one point.. journalism I guess.. I never get it I wish I would. Readings a whole other thing. I dont know, I'll get better practice is the only way I ever get better at anything!


Well-Known Member
i used to write lyrics younger such as

"you need to know, whats inside the show, freaks in cages, books with empty pages"

stuff like that, very rimy . lol

now i just do instrumentals mostly.


Well-Known Member
well i don't know what kind of lyrics your trying to get down, and i have never been the one to wright them ive always been a tech but i used to make beats for a friend of mine who could really freestyle, he was very good and he could never right, he would ask me to to put a beat on and drown out the room with it, the the second time around he would go, and it was really good. mind you most times he is in 2-3 blunts in the hour and maybe some JD :) but if you try to force it it might not work. try relaxing , and i have never used any thing harder than shrooms so i d k what you on, but some times just some good whiskey and some sativa is all you need. good luck


Well-Known Member
its life and character with time,not to mention the bit of crazy that will get you the ideas you seek.sometimes it is spontanuity but the best ideas happen with time.