The Big 6 (Wheezers Outdoor 2011 Grow)

Harlequin is a strain with super high CBD #'s. I'm hoping to get/try some in the next week. I've seen #'s like 5%thc, 12%cbd. Haven't had AG in...30 years? (Although I keep seening some local that doesm't remind me of the back-in-the-day AG.

Do you know much about high CBD strains? I've read a bit about the CBD crew and project 'x', Shanti and the others that are aiming for the magic 1 to 1 ratio THC/CBD number - like 7% thc and 7% cbd. Supposed to be high in antioxidants and some impressive anti inflammatory properties. Intriguing as hell, not to mention the lucrative possibilities.
The guys at Resin seeds gifted me a 5 pack of feminized Z7 seeds that I would like to experiment with, or maybe just grow one or three asap for a tester or possible mother.

Wheezer- Tried the AO x SSH yesterday. Ho-lee-crap! Powerful freaking herb. Seems if I ever have one of those "damn...i need to sit down" moments, SSH is involved. Smells awesome. Loses most of that in the flavor, but VERY smooth. A+. This, despite the fact that I think he picked it (and everything else) too early. Not much of it was usable, as the cats seemed to love that plant. So I won't see much of it. I think I'll try it again tonight and bring a video camera and film a solo.:mrgreen:
there ya go! I'm glad to hear som ething about that strain finally. I havn't ran it yet so I don't have an idea.
That sounds cool about the Harlequin, check it out!
well,for obvious reasons I don't put up my final pull total......:roll:. But, I did average a good amount, and ended up where I needed to be. I'll get some finish shots of the Rom and Blue Dream up eventually.
Next years lineup is gonna be 6 Romulans again, but I'll have 18 others here for a full 24 right here next year. Sooo it'll be "The Big 24" next year, 18 plants will be grown from seed for sure though, which will be the first time I did that!! Stay tuned!!
Maybe I can help with a finish shot of your BD. :)

well,for obvious reasons I don't put up my final pull total......:roll:. But, I did average a good amount, and ended up where I needed to be. I'll get some finish shots of the Rom and Blue Dream up eventually.
Next years lineup is gonna be 6 Romulans again, but I'll have 18 others here for a full 24 right here next year. Sooo it'll be "The Big 24" next year, 18 plants will be grown from seed for sure though, which will be the first time I did that!! Stay tuned!!


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Oh...I sent in a review of it. I'll let you know when it posts. "A", but mostly because of taste. Not as potent as the Somango, but I like it better.
Keep meticulously recorded/labeled clones of each seedling, you know you're going to find some killers out there.
Hey Wheezer..ever run into something called Old Betsy? I thought it was another made-up name, but it would appear it's real...and unreal.