Harvest Dilemna.


I have a sharksbreath crop in a 600w scrog setup that is ready to be harvested. My dilemna that I'm facing tis that I will be in the land of Bob Marley all next week and don't have time to deal with a full harvest before then.

My question is: Can I cut all of the stems off below the screen and hang the screen vertically from one side and let it hang dry until I return after next week? Should I wait a few more days for the chop so things don't dry out too much? Should I try to thin out the canopy a bit? I plan on trimming when I return to begin the cure.

ANY input will be appreciated.

Here are a few of pictures (sorry the quality isn't the best. Took them with my video cam.)



Thanks for some input. Any suggestion as to what I should do? If I leave the crop until I get back, it will get super stoney, right?
I would let them go and chop when you get back. One extra week isnt that bad. Nice planning by the way lol
Very nice scrog. I do think I'd chop half...put in an area to insure very slow dry (mine takes at least 7 days...10 for thicker nuggs)....chop the rest upon return...perhaps ya will get two different results that will please all senses...
I would let them go and chop when you get back. One extra week isnt that bad. Nice planning by the way lol
I know. Terrible Planning. haha. Actually I just got married a little over a month ago and right before the wedding our families pitched in and surprised us with the trip. I was blown away by how the timing fell. My Typical luck. I'll probably just let them go them and see what happens.
Very nice scrog. I do think I'd chop half...put in an area to insure very slow dry (mine takes at least 7 days...10 for thicker nuggs)....chop the rest upon return...perhaps ya will get two different results that will please all senses...

Thanks for the compliment! This is my first scrog and it's been fun. I let them get a little out of control during the stretch but the results are seeming to be working out. I think I'll chop a small amount down as you suggested. I just don't really have anywhere (other than this room) to put anything. I do like the idea of two different styles. Thanks for the input!