carbon filter needed for 400 watt hps?


Active Member
so i bought a 4x4x6.5 grow tent 400 watt air cooled tube 6' ducting with a 6 inch 440m cfm should that keep the tent cool? and 2nd should i get a carbon filter [the exhaust is going out the window but i have neighbors with 5 kids each outside all the time] and what kind of carbon filter/where from if yall have a site or something. thanks
i had 2 plants on my last grow and they stunk, better to be safe then sorry and get a carbon filter pal
hah I got a 5x5x6 tent with a 1000 watt and a 250 CFM fan keeps it cool. More CFM is always better though, you should be good to go. Match up your fan's CFM with the filter's rated CFM, it can be different but make sure its as close as you can.

If you're american check out htg supply or progressive growth
I basically have same setup as you. My fan is only 4" @ 190cfm; It keeps real cool even at half power. I did buy a filter but have not used it yet; you can find them on Ebay. I bought all my stuff off ebay..

Gonna need speed control on ya fan......personally, I would NOT duct even charcoal filtered exhaust out any window that is close to anything...duct to attic or crawlspace....I use a 400w hps cooltube converted down to 4" fittings for a 4" charcan with a 4" 200cfm pulling air thru filter, then cooltube and out .... my tent is smaller than yours and 200 cfm in and out is plenty...usually run at 30-40%...
OR brings a good point. If FLIR is used in your area you may get a knock on the door one day with an official looking guy asking you what the large amount of heat is coming out of your window for.
OR brings a good point. If FLIR is used in your area you may get a knock on the door one day with an official looking guy asking you what the large amount of heat is coming out of your window for.
i dont want to knock any holes out to get to the roof :/
deffinitly need a carbon filter man...and big makes a dam good point bout FLIR. heat pumped out like that, sticks out like a sore thumb if ya dont wanna cut a hole in your roof get creative find another place to go with it
deffinitly need a carbon filter man...and big makes a dam good point bout FLIR. heat pumped out like that, sticks out like a sore thumb if ya dont wanna cut a hole in your roof get creative find another place to go with it

damnit man didnt really think it'd make it that obvious ughhh this is not going well.. its going to be shipped now and i dont know where to put it.
what about taking the heat to the attic above my garage? like im 2 storys and the garage attic is like in between the house not the real attic up top
OR brings a good point. If FLIR is used in your area you may get a knock on the door one day with an official looking guy asking you what the large amount of heat is coming out of your window for.
Gonna need speed control on ya fan......personally, I would NOT duct even charcoal filtered exhaust out any window that is close to anything...duct to attic or crawlspace....I use a 400w hps cooltube converted down to 4" fittings for a 4" charcan with a 4" 200cfm pulling air thru filter, then cooltube and out .... my tent is smaller than yours and 200 cfm in and out is plenty...usually run at 30-40%...

why am i going to need speed control :O?