Help not sure what is going wrong :(


My plants just started curling some of their leaves downwards. I tested the soil PH using the ghetto vinegar method on a sample and it should be around 6-7 is my guess but I these babys are 1 week and 2 days old. Under 2 cfl bulbs one is 85-100 watts I dont remember, the other is a 45 watt 24hrs. I am using filtered water that comes from a brita water filtration device. I water them every 2 days. I have not added any nutes yet as I am broke and can't find any. I also have grown before and these plants are growing up faster than any others I have gorwn before. They are what I believe to be raspberry kush. Germinated and grown from seed. The seeds germed really quick as well (24hrs for the bigger ones). I have not encountered this problem before and I am quite scared for my kids. Any help is appreciated :)



Ursus marijanus
What kind of soil is that? It looks like kitty litter with extra cement mix! I would worry that your roots are asphyxiating. Need Perlite and leaf mold, or something ... cn


Well-Known Member
Guess you were broke when it was time to buy soil to, looks like gravel from a quarry. Water only when pots are light to lift bro, not every 2 days bang on schedule. I think they look good regardless but you will need nutes soon, even a tomato spike will do when they are hungry.


What kind of soil is that? It looks like kitty litter with extra cement mix! I would worry that your roots are asphyxiating. Need Perlite and leaf mold, or something ... cn
Some soil I mixed from the pasture that was growing other things just fine it is a bit dry in some areas and I do plan on changing it when I get my check


Ursus marijanus
Some soil I mixed from the pasture that was growing other things just fine it is a bit dry in some areas and I do plan on changing it when I get my check
It looks like nearly pure clay. Roots need air, and clay soils are frightfully easy to water to the point where you've effectively encased the roots in an airtight airless cast.
Once you DO get your check, have you fromed plans for what sort of soil or soil ingredients you'll get?
Do you know anyone who gardens? She'll probably be delighted to spot you some soil ... for your tomatoes, of course!! cn


I was going to go into ace hardware and grab "Miracle Grow mc potting soil" and some worm castings if they are needed. Also planned on getting some mirical grow nutes


Ursus marijanus
I recently bought some Fox farm "Happy Frog" and am pleased as all heck with it. Can you source that locally? Do you maybe have a nursery nearby where you can comparison shop soil? Texture matters, and I will never buy cheap wood-chippy "potting soil" again, not even for orphan African violets ... cn


Well-Known Member
that problem your talking about can also be caused by over watering, how much water do you pass through those pots ?


that problem your talking about can also be caused by over watering, how much water do you pass through those pots ?
There are 4 plants in one huge ass rubbermaid container ( for now to make the repot easier ) I checked the soil on top and I dont think it's pure clay but there is some clay in it but I don't think dry clay breaks very easily? anyway I might be over watering them I use around 300-400 ml every 2 days. Also something not pictured and I can take more if needed is the fact that a few leafs are black on the tips


I recently bought some Fox farm "Happy Frog" and am pleased as all heck with it. Can you source that locally? Do you maybe have a nursery nearby where you can comparison shop soil? Texture matters, and I will never buy cheap wood-chippy "potting soil" again, not even for orphan African violets ... cn
I will check around for it should not be hard to find as there is a tree nursery near-by.


Ursus marijanus
Look at different soils at the nursery ... price and quality don't necessarily track each other. I would avoid soil with fertilizers pre-added, like MG. Using MG "plant food" to feed a soil grow should be just fine, especially the African Violet formula with its extra P and K ... the other thing to keep in mind is to fortify whichever soil with dolomite lime. This stabilizes pH *and* supplies magnesium, for which Cannabis has a bit of an appetite.
I've found that the soils that look, feel and smell the best ... are the best. Won't comment on flavor though ... cn


Look at different soils at the nursery ... price and quality don't necessarily track each other. I would avoid soil with fertilizers pre-added, like MG. Using MG "plant food" to feed a soil grow should be just fine, especially the African Violet formula with its extra P and K ... the other thing to keep in mind is to fortify whichever soil with dolomite lime. This stabilizes pH *and* supplies magnesium, for which Cannabis has a bit of an appetite.
I've found that the soils that look, feel and smell the best ... are the best. Won't comment on flavor though ... cn
Looks like thats what I get to do I left the door open to the room and my lovely cat got into them and ate them all......outside with his ass oh well I'll get the right dirt and tool before I try again. It's gonna be a while I am still morning the ones he ate, I get way attached to them.