Cheap ways to get rid of the smell


Active Member
Rite now I have 7 plants in a small closet. They are only about a foot tall and in veg, but you can smell them throughout the apartment. I know there are air scrubbers and carbon filters and what not, but I'm on a SERIOUS budget. Any cheap DIY ways to get rid of the smell? Thanks in advance guys!


Well-Known Member
A dirty litter box, Ferret as a pet, Ona Bucket, but the fan scrubber is the way to go.


Well-Known Member
I meant a fan scrubber combo around a 150 bucks for a 4" set up. Trust me the smell will get you noticed quick so do the best you can to kill it especially since they are only a foot tall and already smell it's only going to get more intense.


Active Member
I meant a fan scrubber combo around a 150 bucks for a 4" set up. Trust me the smell will get you noticed quick so do the best you can to kill it especially since they are only a foot tall and already smell it's only going to get more intense.
I don't have that kind of money though. Dammit....


Well-Known Member
Get good quality incense and burn them a few times a day, the neighbours will think your hippies and there are always smells coming from that flat. Plus they make the place smell better.


Well-Known Member
throw up a pic of the closet area you are talking may have a few "cheap" ways around the smell for this round - you can figure something out this round sell an ounce outta your grow and buy a good scrubber fan combo (for $150ish - as mentioned which is a good deal if you don't do things yourself).


get s0me super c0ncentrated air fresheners like a vanilla 0r s0mething that has a sweet smell t0 it and if u have a ceiling fan spray it 0n the blades and leave 0n f0r like and h0ur 0r s0 d0 every 0ther day u sh0uld b 0k....check walmart 0r ur l0cal pharmacy they sh0uld have it..stay safe and keep t0king:leaf:+bongsmilie=:shock:


u sh0uld deff impr0ve ur area paint it white 0r put up sum mylar t0 help reflect light are u using cfls 0r hps?? if its cfls u need t0 put them cl0ser and tie back sum 0f the wires u dnt wanna catch ur shit 0n fire


New Member
when I was a kid I would pack fabric softener in a toilet paper roll and blow my pot smoke through it. It totally eliminates the smell. maybe you could make one on a larger scale or try scented oil plug in fans.


Active Member
u sh0uld deff impr0ve ur area paint it white 0r put up sum mylar t0 help reflect light are u using cfls 0r hps?? if its cfls u need t0 put them cl0ser and tie back sum 0f the wires u dnt wanna catch ur shit 0n fire
Can't afford to modify man. If I could I would. LOL. And the lighting is t12 floros. The big white one is 2 4ft 6500k t12s and the small one is 2 2ft t8 daylights.


it pry c0uld sm0keal0t but if u want a cheap way the c0ncentrated air freshener is best get it in the 3000 meter sprays they are just small burst but man d0 they have a nice str0ng ar0ma it c0uld c0ver up any smell sh0uldnt be t00 expensive as t0 buying shit l0ads 0f dryersheets 0r wasting like 6 0r 7 bucks f0r 0il refills


Well-Known Member
ok.. well might as well post this here instead of PM so other's can bounce ideas around too.

You aren't even flowering yet and as you said it smell "like skunk anus"... lol... it's funny - I always do that when I'm driving in the fall.. I'll be driving and you'll get that "skunk" smell.. and if I'm in the country I'll start taking deep inhales to see if it's pot... then my wife will always say something like "ewww... someone ran over a skunk"... then I'm like.. shit.. I was just huffin skunk fart thinking "mmmmm"... weird.

you said on a budget... how much is that?

Edit - I'll be back in a few and try and help figure something out that may work with you..


New Member
glade plug ins. when you get some cash invest in an ionizer but dont put it in your grow. leave it outside the door about five feet away from any walls. they work cop tested.


well at my hydr0 st0re they sell 25 ft r0lls 0f mylar f0r like 20 bucks its very cheap u can even get it at dec0rative party st0res 0r d0llar st0res p0ssibly