Fuk it! Out with old in with the new!!!

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Well-Known Member
Hi Wiimbly, I hope your having a nice day. Did i see you are now a moderator. Congratulations! Your very cool and im totally stoked you aree now a moderator.. does this perhaps mean you replaced that idiot FDD? i shure do hope so. Good luck . I know your moderator career will be a good one.
I have a Rock Wool question for ya mate. As you know, i have a small rock wool cube in my waterfarm. My baby has not shown any outward significant signs of growth in the past week..just a wee bit.. im really concerned. Should i take her out of the rockwool.. what do you suggest or is this not an issue. Thanks AMbz
Amber, for what it's worth, all of mine have started in rockwool and the little cube is still in there somewhere for them. With my Bubbler system, I left the pump turned off and hand watered the rockwool until the roots reached the water below, then I turned the pump on and let the system do it's thing. I had no instructions to do it that way, it just made sense to me since the rw holds soo much water...it didn't make sense to me to constantly throw water at them when the roots weren't even out of the rw yet.

So, that's my 2¢ worth. Leave her in the rw, and turn off the pump until her roots come out the bottom of the netpot. As a matter of fact, I think I only watered 1 or 2 times for the whole first 2 weeks.

Edit: I wouldn't remove the rw at this point. Her roots are going to be enmeshed in the fibers and you run the risk of damaging her roots if you try to remove the rw now.


New Member
Afternoon Growers going to be loads of better pics tonight as its re change day and i need them out the tent to do that so loads of pics coming and i have to make new co2 bottles :):)


Active Member
Afternoon buddy well afternoon for you. I still got another hour till noon so I guess good morning too. I will be checkin in for new updates.


New Member
hey guys aint done my co2 yet, needed a joint :lol:
trimmed them a little bit fan leaves are getting bad :evil:
ill put more pics up when i put the co2 in.
But for now enjoy these pics! :)



Well-Known Member
hey guys aint done my co2 yet, needed a joint :lol:
trimmed them a little bit fan leaves are getting bad :evil:
ill put more pics up when i put the co2 in.
But for now enjoy these pics! :)

I can't wait till my girls are big again :)

SCROG this time :)
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