Highlanders Perpetual. BB,Ice,Void,Qleaner and Some of Chimeras' Strains!


Well-Known Member
Just bongoed some C4CB, and now pulling on some coffee. Life is good. Ready for a busy day.

How you doin HC? Man, I'm about ready to buy you a camera, lol. Miss your pr0n, brother.

Colo, you tell 'em! There are places on the net that'll send booze to any part of the world, you know. That's where I got my bottle of grain alcohol I used to make my erl.

Gotta run. . . catch ya'll on the flip. :peace: :eyesmoke:

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Hey brobo how ya doing man! But like cowboy says iso...available everywhere and even I can afford it. I hear ya man I'm about ready to buy myself one too haha...but if you want to ; !) Maybe after this weekends harvest I can

Hope the Boom Muthafuka is treating you well man have a good one. I think it's going to be a quiet one here today!


Well-Known Member
Man HC, I'm loving how this C4 Caseybands turning out. Heavy trichs. She's day 40 12/12. She started flowering pretty quick after. About a week. Again she started out in a bit of hot soil I think and she split into two main stalks. All she has for smell is a very mild earthy scent. I'm pretty sure I'm going to start revegging this girl when I'm done. Maybe that nice male will be in the 2 I'm waiting to pop up. She'll be getting a proper photo session when she's older.

Is she telling you anything as far as pheno?





Well-Known Member
ISO is cheap, and ubiquitous :) true true. I guess I'm always thinking of ways to make shit organic? lol. . .

Duchie, your C4CB is looking sugary! Mine did the same thing as yours... It topped itself heh heh. Not before I was able to get 4 solid main colas in line while vegging, tho. The more, the merrier in my garden, lol. Have a good one guys. I'm off!


Well-Known Member
to late!!!!!!! it's got that golden glow!!!! fuck it, I put worse in my body. I've had anesthesia in the hospital a few times... they use denatured alc., acetone, freon, HF, sulfuric, and a long list of other NASTY chemicals to make that stuff. then they inject it into your blood stream!!!!

plus i ate hot dogs as a kid.... can't be any worse than those!!! hahahaha

It could be worse. Than hotdogs, or dr stuff EASILY.

That's like saying "I drink whiskey... "Raid" should be ok, yeah?" Not hatin just sayin

They were just making you inhale it.
Even inhaling chloroform is "safe", but smoking it or it's residue doesn't sound like a good idea.

I wouldn't try it, but I'll keep reading, and I guess eventually I'll find out if you tried it :)


Well-Known Member
no, not dead..... just stoned and busy!!! what a shame for that hash!!!! that looked liked some good stuff to throw out!!!! oh well.... easy come, easy go!!!!!

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
No I don't think stoney normally posts at this time of the day. Not sure but I think he has a real business that he has to take care of too.

Hey Dutchie how's it going! Nice pics man, the leaves look C4 all the way as well as all the frosting. The dark green looks like the kush side of things and the CB was a very frosty plant too. It's growing like the caseyband so between the way that the leaves look just like the C4 and the way that it is growing and with the dark green leaves I would say it's a combination of the two leaning on the C4 side


Well-Known Member
hahahaha speak of the devil... here i am!!!! i posted just before you did HC!!! i did NOT smoke the hash.... i threw it out!!


Well-Known Member
no, not dead..... just stoned and busy!!! what a shame for that hash!!!! that looked liked some good stuff to throw out!!!! oh well.... easy come, easy go!!!!!
Sorry :(

You should have saved it and tried to figure out what that other 10% was that was in there making it dangerous.

If it was acetone or something like that it could have evaporated too.

Maybe they don't always label though, you may have just preserved your life :)


Well-Known Member
Very cool, thanks HC. I've done some digging into the strains you have in her but nothing serious. All the different stories on all these strains it's hard to keep it all straight. The other day I was reading the Chem Dawg story for the third or fourth time. I did read some of the beginning of your thread and you were waiting for your Chimera order to come in, including your C4 if I recall so I looked a bit into him, and I think I recall some sort of Headband story, not sure if that's the one where one breeder robbed another, or maybe that's another story. Holy shit, what a gossip mill. :lol: Like everything, lots and lots to learn.

Cheers man

Stoney. Glad to hear you tossed that. No hard feelings I hope but with that I'd rather offend then not say something. :peace:


Well-Known Member
Sorry :(

You should have saved it and tried to figure out what that other 10% was that was in there making it dangerous.

If it was acetone or something like that it could have evaporated too.

Maybe they don't always label though, you may have just preserved your life :)
I don't think that part of it can be evaporated... just not worth the risk IMO.

Very cool, thanks HC. I've done some digging into the strains you have in her but nothing serious. All the different stories on all these strains it's hard to keep it all straight. The other day I was reading the Chem Dawg story for the third or fourth time. I did read some of the beginning of your thread and you were waiting for your Chimera order to come in, including your C4 if I recall so I looked a bit into him, and I think I recall some sort of Headband story, not sure if that's the one where one breeder robbed another, or maybe that's another story. Holy shit, what a gossip mill. :lol: Like everything, lots and lots to learn.

Cheers man

Stoney. Glad to hear you tossed that. No hard feelings I hope but with that I'd rather offend then not say something. :peace:
no man, no hard feelings!!! in fact, I truly appreciate the concern!!!

I hope ya get that C4 side of her!!!! HC felt that mine looked to be the C4 side also and mine looked identical to yours leaf shape wise. yours has a deeper darker green than mine, but that could be the lighting to... I smoked some more of my boom today, it is soooo freakin sticky i can't even break it up!! definitely a grinder job!!! I hope yours turns out this way!!!!


Well-Known Member
It is the Methyl/Ethyl parts, and since it's like pure spirits (paint thinner) and almost pure alcohol they put like benzine in there so bums won't drink it.

**I am just thankful you let it go, despite the shame of it. There will more promptly :D
I would have felt terrible if something were to have happened to you, although I agree there are plenty of toxins around! All the more reason to err on the side of caution.


Well-Known Member
No, I white balanced the camera before I shot it and the color is pretty close. All my garden is on a new fish diet that they seem to be loving it. She hasn't been fed in almost 3 weeks now and isn't showing any signs of wear at all. That might be the humick in my medium doing it's job though.


Well-Known Member
I don't think that part of it can be evaporated... just not worth the risk IMO.

no man, no hard feelings!!! in fact, I truly appreciate the concern!!!

I hope ya get that C4 side of her!!!! HC felt that mine looked to be the C4 side also and mine looked identical to yours leaf shape wise. yours has a deeper darker green than mine, but that could be the lighting to... I smoked some more of my boom today, it is soooo freakin sticky i can't even break it up!! definitely a grinder job!!! I hope yours turns out this way!!!!
Better safe than sorry, especially with that. :)

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
It is the Methyl/Ethyl parts, and since it's like pure spirits (paint thinner) and almost pure alcohol they put like benzine in there so bums won't drink it.

**I am just thankful you let it go, despite the shame of it. There will more promptly :D
I would have felt terrible if something were to have happened to you, although I agree there are plenty of toxins around! All the more reason to err on the side of caution.
All the more reason to give yourself a flush/cleanse once a year but that's another story for anothe time lol

No, I white balanced the camera before I shot it and the color is pretty close. All my garden is on a new fish diet that they seem to be loving it. She hasn't been fed in almost 3 weeks now and isn't showing any signs of wear at all. That might be the humick in my medium doing it's job though.
I have been using Nitrozime lately and that shit is like a growers wet dream. It's a seaweed based marine algea extract that can be used anytime and is real good as a foliar spray (I love spraying all of my plants on the porch with it, smells like walking into a baitshop mmm : ) I pretty much like to use it mostly as a mid-late blossom boost as it's way expensive but pays for itself real quick.


Well-Known Member
I'm gonna have to look into that nitrozime. do ya just mix it with water? i could always use a little extra humidity in the winter... this might be a great way!

and man.... that flush doesn't sound like the flush we like!!! after having an intestine burst, I've had my share of flush's and things!!!


Well-Known Member
I use a product called Bio-Fish and it's an organic 3-1-2 and it's main ingredient is whole fish emulsion. The other product from that line I'm using, kind of like yours above, is a Kelp Boost 0-0-5 and is 100% kelp extract. Ingredients Ascophyllum Nodosum (kelp). I just use that at transplant before flower to aid the roots and maybe a half dose later on. In my coir I add Rock Phosphate for later in flower.

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Not to much headstash in the cave right now. I had to give up a little of my own to make up an order the other day. What's left is a little Lush (good solid stone) a little Black Rose (the gooey potent pheno) and some P10. That ok there is a harvest coming up tomorrow and friday. I haven't talked much about the Grape Ape x Hashberry but it's a real nice plant (the pheno that I kept) and will be around for a while. I have two coming down this week thay are the indica grapey pheno. Real nice plant stucture with big dense buds that make a nice cola and the nodes are tight together everywhere that each branch is a chain of buds. Good heavy yeilder, nice flavor with good potency. Fits my bill lol. The two coming out are 2nd generation and there are a couple of clones vegging for cuttings. Another strain from cof that I'm excited about!

Smoking a bubbler of the Black Rose topped with some full melt. Getting just a little stucking foned ;). The potent br pheno has a great taste and the bubble has a fuel taste. Very nice says Borat!!