The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Hah dont worry hun ull find someone soon enough i often find myself sat here wishing i lived near some of the guys in this thread.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I don't, i just wish i grew more, not paying for silly cannabis no more. Can't afford it either saying that :p

My manager took a new job today, it starts in 10 days, she's yet to tell the business owners she's leaving :D Could get entertaining, or stressful. That is i guess the only perk she and i have of being forced to go self employed(it's a shop and kitchens, yet they refuse to actually employ people, they instead contract out to myself and the manager so they don't have to pay PAYE and NI costs, cunts) but yes, it means we have no legal obligation to give them notice. I'm quitting come Canada time, i'll give them some notice, but i'll make them sweat a littlt :D


Active Member
Hah dont worry hun ull find someone soon enough i often find myself sat here wishing i lived near some of the guys in this thread.
Not until I get a sex-change operation and pick up a local accent *gloomily*

As for living near some of the guys on this thread - hey, England is a tiny country, how far can anybody live from anybody else? Apart from me, of course, who officially lives far from anybody apart from cow-tending inbreds and stoned plumbers who scuttle away like cockroaches when I delicately try to probe them.

Incidentally I've got to go to Devon some time this month. By train. Anybody that end of the island?


Active Member
im not in devon but im south theres a few people in devon here i believe , so where u from originally then ?
My actual origins: a very complicated issue. I'll explain when I'm not so sober. But basically English with lots of Celtic and Scandinavian and stuff thrown in for variety.

Where I've been for the past decade or so? Ahhh... man, think of somewhere warm, lots of looong golden beaches and dazzling azure seas, and lots of friends pretty much permanently offering a joint :) :) :) I used to grumble about the amount of grapes and figs that fell off my trees and splattered onto my balcony overnight. I used to lean out of the kitchen window and pick oranges for my morning juice. You all hate me now, don't you? I've been spoiled rotten, I know. But don't worry, Karma stepped in and forced me to leave literally overnight, and here I am stranded among the cows :D

Whereabouts south are you?


Well-Known Member
A gang of robbers broke in Police HQ in Pitt Street Glasgow and stole all toilet cisterns and pans. A police spokesman said, "Sadly we have nothing to go on"​


Well-Known Member
cant wait for that at crimbo what it like sambo lad
im not really into it m8 have played n completed them all over the yrs on single player but never online, hated paying for the online with xbox so i never bothered just got a ps3 tho and getting fucking raped online, played a few wks of black ops then got mw3 the other day.

was just getting playable online with black ops but this new1 seems even harder.

No smoke by u sambo? Mw3 haha me wee lad is better than me and he is only 7 lmfao!!
always smoke about cheds but i wont pay the prices, so just go without unless its my own or a loan.

i wouldnt fancy me chances against any1 on cod 7yr old or not thats how crap i am lol

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Shut the fuck up you cunting carol singers! A. my flatmate just pulled a 29 hour work day and is trying to sleep. b. because if he is woken up then my speakers are gonna go outside with my joint and have a conversation with them.