A little idea.


So everyone on here wants cannibis legal.. So why don't we do the opposite of what the goverment did to make illegal. Start by not calling it marijuana. To me I feel it's really derogative. And everyone seems to associate marijuana with getting high. Cannabis is almost a relaxing name and it seems to catch people of guard. Getting rid of the stereotype would open up the public eyes. So I think getting rid of slang terms like weed, marijuana or other slang terms would be benifitial. Thoughts?


Well-Known Member
We kinda screwed ourselfs on this...when people were trying to sell to everyone and get more of it into the country in the 40's 50's early 60's they advertised it as a halluciogen, comparing to LSD,making it out to be this big, mind altering drug like PCP, so that was what the public saw...nerdy, church going people saw it as a strong addictive drug that made people do crazy things...it got a bad rap from bad advertising ...IMO.

But lets not beat me up on dates and news artical facts please...this is just what I see. I'm not a drug historian...just a creative thinker.


Well-Known Member
So everyone on here wants cannibis legal.. So why don't we do the opposite of what the goverment did to make illegal. Start by not calling it marijuana. To me I feel it's really derogative. And everyone seems to associate marijuana with getting high. Cannabis is almost a relaxing name and it seems to catch people of guard. Getting rid of the stereotype would open up the public eyes. So I think getting rid of slang terms like weed, marijuana or other slang terms would be benifitial. Thoughts?
ive said it allot on here. every male you get.KEEP put him in a room by him self and plant the dude in a public park. AT NIGHT whos going to see? and if you cant be smart enough to spot a camera your fault*tip* the are on top of allot of shopping mall street lights spot those and your in the clear for every other because from their you know what the rest look like. happy planting.