Cali-O - round 3


Well-Known Member
i have been lusting for a Cali-O femme for a while
2 prior grows, 2 males, Nirvana reg seeds, can't be faulted at this point
i did milk the guys for their pollen, Cali-O crosses are waiting
sooner or later some Cali-O genetics will be consumed, i would prefer it to be this grow
seedling at 10 days, micro setup(78w), but has served me well in other grows



Well-Known Member
at 17 days of vegging, no problems, not huge
but not tiny, 5 nodes is my flower trigger, and flower it will
but female flowers, that is the question



Active Member
hello man...nice plant

i have my first grow running..

i vegged for 3 weeks...

now i am in 5th week of 12/12...

i have 300 watts cfl mixed (170 watt red , 130 watt blue)

how long should i flower do u think?

and what is the yield i should expect?

ps : 3 gallon pots , nutes : algoflash , molasses


Well-Known Member
3 weeks of veg, very similar to my routine
when things go well for me, i get at least an oz of dry bud, and that's with 78w of cfl's
so you should get at least an oz, hopefully closer to 2, could be more
the genetics have a huge influence, among a lot of other factors
probably another 5 weeks of flower(or so), but again this will vary a lot on genetics


Well-Known Member
about 10 days down in the flower chamber no balls visible, perhaps the 1st cali-o femme?
but i have learned, shut your mouth until you know for sure
1 thing is different, this plant has smell, the males i had didn't
kind of on the skunky side, but won't complain if it's a femme



Well-Known Member
the 2 week flowering boundary has been crossed, and it has been a good crossing
my 1st cali-o female, the 1st 2 seeds were males, but with reg seeds, you get what you get
smeeling plenty of skunk, not much orange, but smell seems to be changing, strong smelling plant
that makes a 2 for 4 ratio on nirvana seeds for females, can't complain about that
not too mention the cali-o seed crosses i got waiting, nl#5 x cali-o and PPP x cali-o



Active Member
nice bro! good looking plant...

i m in 46 days of flowering... but i have to chop it in 13 days... so 60 days of flowering plus 3 weeks vegging... i think right now has almost an oz on it...

how much more do you think it will get in the last two weeks?

(look some posts ago to see my specifications)

thanks man... i think i will veg again for only 3 weeks... i think my first grow is succesfull despite the little vegging...


Well-Known Member
60 days is early for most plants, but sometimes you got to do what you got to
the last 2 weeks will pack on plenty of bud/weight, could be close to double what you have now


Active Member
i know it s early man :( but i have to move from this house...

i think it would need 9-10 weeks to finish... so 6-5-8.5 weeks are not its actual last weeks... so there will be not such growth eh?


Active Member
hey bro looking good man i love cali o so im defo subed to see how this turns out by looks of things going good so far keep up the good work bro peace :)


Well-Known Member
i know it s early man :( but i have to move from this house...

i think it would need 9-10 weeks to finish... so 6-5-8.5 weeks are not its actual last weeks... so there will be not such growth eh?
you should get good smoke for your trouble, just not quite as good as if you had the extra week or 2
and you should get a lot of bud growth in your last 2 weeks, but every plant has its quirks


Well-Known Member
hey bro looking good man i love cali o so im defo subed to see how this turns out by looks of things going good so far keep up the good work bro peace :)
another cali-o fan, knew they were out there
glad to have you watching, i'm very hopeful on cali-o quality, but that's just hope, haven't had the pleasure of puffing any yet


Active Member
another cali-o fan, knew they were out there
glad to have you watching, i'm very hopeful on cali-o quality, but that's just hope, haven't had the pleasure of puffing any yet
yeh mate big cali o fan and blueberry my 2 most fav weeds guess thats why im doing 9 blues at the min just went 12/12 nearly week ago but yeh man if all goes well you will be puffing away on that sweet cali-o think jealousy has already set in think it is a must have for my next grow dont get cali-o to much round here rare to get it but as i dont buy it any more and grow it think its next in line peace and good luck mate : :) :)


Well-Known Member
thanks for looks and subs, things seem to be good at the moment
i knew i had a female, but you gotta love the moment it becomes obvious
so i'm giving thanks that i've got a cali-o femme this time
a skunk odor that seems to be changing to something else
can't put my finger on what just yet, not oranges so far, but i'll keep hoping



Well-Known Member
the 4th week of flower, getting to be a reasonable looking plant
some loss of color in the fans, mi8ght have underfed a little
but i'm more of an under feeder than over, better quality(imho)
still plenty of skunk smell



Well-Known Member
5 weeks of flower, bulking up nicely(for 78w of cfl's)
loosing color in the fan leaves, that could on the early side
the skunk odor is fading with the leaves, and a new odor is building
4 more weeks(probably) is plenty of time for the hoped for fragrance



Well-Known Member
looks sweet ..... lovely colour
thank you troutie, camera doesn't do her justice, get that better camera someday
but back to the show, the 6 week mark has arrived, not bad, bulking is happening
interesting plant whose smelliest phase was the veg
lower odor as the flower goes on, may have to wait until the end to judge the scent properly
not to mention the taste

