Medical Card fee may go from 90$ to 45$


Active Member
Watching channel nine news this morning and they said the state may drop the renewal fee for our red cards, that would be nice wouldn't it?:clap:
when is this supposed to be happening...i just renewed in oct and ima be pissed if i paid 90 and they drop it sometime soon LoL!
when is this supposed to be happening...i just renewed in oct and ima be pissed if i paid 90 and they drop it sometime soon LoL!
same here man just renewed my self and with the doctor bill it was around 190. don't think it would take effect untill at least 6 months if it pass's
yesterday the CDPHE reduced the fee to $35 for renewals. not positive of the time frame for implementation, but I would believe Jan 1.
The Board of Health also voted Wednesday to change how it defines indigence for patients seeking a fee waiver, with the expectation that more patients will qualify.

Read more: Fee for Colorado medical-pot patient registry drops to $35 - The Denver Post
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same here man just renewed my self and with the doctor bill it was around 190. don't think it would take effect untill at least 6 months if it pass's

me and my wife both just renewed in the past couple weeks, it hurts the pocketbook for sure
I wished i lived in a country with medical marijuana cards and dispensary's, instead i am a criminal for growing personally and buying dodgy street weed of people. Think yourself s lucky America!
I wished i lived in a country with medical marijuana cards and dispensary's, instead i am a criminal for growing personally and buying dodgy street weed of people. Think yourself s lucky America!
one state over and you can be nailed to a cross for simple possession of ANY amount of weed.(off topic)
one of the things that is definately nice is that medicare will cover the cost if you are able to use it. Thats what was expressed to me by the woman that was putting together our paperwork at the doctors office.
one of the things that is definately nice is that medicare will cover the cost if you are able to use it. Thats what was expressed to me by the woman that was putting together our paperwork at the doctors office.
I can't see that happening, is that a state program? There are only 4 people left on the federal mmj program.
its a state thing maybe medicaid not medicare? idk i dont have either so they kinda blend together
Tits, but I would have gladly twice that to have the freedom. Granted there are problems w the system (aren't there always), but I remember buying my first light when I was 18... How weird it was, being scared all the time, chitty buds :) and reading ed rosenthals guide to closet growing. Now we have hydro stores, our own section at barnes and nobel, and the kindest kind east of the rockies (I still think cali has some comp for us, the really dedicated guys... Not gonad lie tho, I saw a thread aimed at bring pissed at an mmjc for selling meds w mites in it, and then everyone was telling the guy ((really like 90%)) were telling the guy to lighten up... Gross). All it took was was 90 bucks... Omg I'm stoned.
I wished i lived in a country with medical marijuana cards and dispensary's, instead i am a criminal for growing personally and buying dodgy street weed of people. Think yourself s lucky America!

You'd love the MMED (medical marijuana enforcement division) office in downtown Denver. The office has green walls and the two conference rooms are the Indica Room and the Sativa Room. I just had to bust out my camera phone the first time I went there and the nice ladies who work at the office got a real kick out of it.