My opinion

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You really think I enjoy the attention of immature teenage girls. No matter how many times I just enjoy flaming and then verbally destroying them. You enjoy men telling them their sexual fantasies. I only have eyes for you, in that regard. So....


So while u fuck with little girls i'm busy helping men get off? Nice crypt :( See everyone even i can be a target in his twisted games ;)
So while u fuck with little girls i'm busy helping men get off? Nice crypt :( See everyone even i can be a target in his twisted games ;)

I fuck with everybody. lol I just happen to be an incredible Misogynist. I fuck with April is a very special way. ;) I assist you greatly by helping you own up to perceived flaws and own them. :)
You really think I enjoy the attention of immature teenage girls. No matter how many times I just enjoy flaming and then verbally destroying them. You enjoy men telling them their sexual fantasies. I only have eyes for you, in that regard. So....

I really do think you like the attention, you feed off of it, learn their weaknesses and then BAM hit them with the cheap shot. Such an amateur.
I really do think you like the attention, you feed off of it, learn their weaknesses and then BAM hit them with the cheap shot. Such an amateur.

Amateur at what. lol I do exam peoples weaknesses and attack. Kinda the definition in a way, of cheap shot. Just good strategy. =) It's just my sport I guess lol Not really about the attention but the game itself. :p
Amateur at what. lol I do exam peoples weaknesses and attack. Kinda the definition in a way, of cheap shot. Just good strategy. =) It's just my sport I guess lol Not really about the attention but the game itself. :p

ok so now that you've been cheap shotting me for months, will you please leave me alone?
Amateur at what. lol I do exam peoples weaknesses and attack. Kinda the definition in a way, of cheap shot. Just good strategy. =) It's just my sport I guess lol Not really about the attention but the game itself. :p

You get gratitude by demeaning people don't you? does it make you feel better about yourself as a person?
I do enjoy demeaning certain people yes. Does it make me feel better about myself as a person, not especially. It just makes me laugh. :)

I will accept that as an answer (even tho I think there are some underlying factors). But if they really want you to stop, before it gets overtly personal to them, I think you should. Urca seems really upset about it, maybe move on from her?
I will accept that as an answer (even tho I think there are some underlying factors). But if they really want you to stop, before it gets overtly personal to them, I think you should. Urca seems really upset about it, maybe move on from her?
I can appreciate your levelheadedness, few females are like that. However, if I stopped, it would defeat the purpose. Understand?
I can appreciate your levelheadedness, few females are like that. However, if I stopped, it would defeat the purpose. Understand?

I understand, although she seems to be really hurt by it. You never know what people will do to themselves from online bullying, I have heard horror stories.
I understand, although she seems to be really hurt by it. You never know what people will do to themselves from online bullying, I have heard horror stories.

Well I can't play the omniscient deity. We can look back and say we should have seen it coming, but in reality we CANT. Living life on what COULD happen is NOT how Im going to live my life.
Well I can't play the omniscient deity. We can look back and say we should have seen it coming, but in reality we CANT. Living life on what COULD happen is NOT how Im going to live my life.

Ok so your going to live your life demeaning people? to each their own.
ok so now that you've been cheap shotting me for months, will you please leave me alone?

If you want him to stop, don't give him the satisfaction of replying to his posts. Ignore him and because he isn't getting a reaction from you he will get bored and move on. That's my advice.
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